Sunday, February 14, 2021


  Valentines day. I had forgotten all about it until I woke up this morning and was greeted with that salutation by my wife. Oops. Well the truth is we have never been ones to observe that much, it's no big deal around my house. Every day is Valentine day to me. Not ones to get wrapped up in ceremony and all of that we just casually acknowledge such occasions. Today will be a day like most others with an occasional, it's Valentines day, thrown in. You know how that works, as an excuse to eat an extra piece of chocolate or purchase something a bit extra. I think being of pioneer stock I've always been a little leery of arrows. I've never quite understand a fat red baby in a diaper shooting arrows as it relates to love. Could be it's some liberal thing that I should be wearing a ribbon in support of. Well, whatever the case. I did say Happy Valentines day to my wife and told her I loved her. We did mail Valentine cards to the grandkids. At their age it should cause their eyes to roll a bit. Hey, that's what old people do, we don't care how old you are. To my granddaughter Morgan I gave her a few bucks in her card. I wrote inside; why am I giving you a few bucks? Because you are deer to me! LOL Grandpa joke. I even drew a picture of a deer in there. Hilarious. 
 Remember when you were in grade school? Did you exchange valentine cards in class? I remember doing that. We would buy that bag full of cards at the 5&10 cent store. We all made a big envelope in class and taped it to the front of our desks. Valentines would be placed in there. Then, on the proper day, we had a cupcake or something sweet, a glass of punch and opened our cards. Some kids got a lot and some only got a few. I remember looking to see if I got one from that special girl in the class that I admired. I also remember placing a special card in her envelope. What I don't remember is any of that ever being acknowledged by anyone. Secret love was the best love. If you didn't get a lot of cards you could always add a few of your own to make it look full, no one would know. LOl I wonder if they still do that in schools today or has that been eliminated? It would certainly be a different dynamic today that much is certain. But I do believe, at least when I was a child in the early 1960's, we were all a bit more naive about all of that. We weren't confused about whether we were boys or girls though, we all had a handle on that. At the same time it could be said we were innocent. Well, I remember a little bit of that anyway, a few good memories. Mostly I remember the candy hearts that said Be Mine and I love You on them. They were a big thing as I recall. 
 Happy Valentines day. Today we profess our love. Next up, St. Patrick's day. Then we are all Irish and drink green beer. 

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