Thursday, May 3, 2018

the future has arrived

 A couple of little items in the news caught my attention. First, the Boy Scouts of America are changing their name. Begining next year they will be The Scouts, BSA. I know, doesn't make any sense to me either. Everyone knows what BSA stands for unless you are from England then you might confuse it with a motorcycle. But they are changing the name to be more inclusive. That was because they included girls in the boy's scouts!  Yes, only in this liberal world of today could that even be a thing. If a girl joined the boy scouts wasn't that because she was identifying as a boy? That is what I heard and read regarding all of that. So, if that is the case changing the name to The Scouts would actually be an insult, offensive even, to the girl that thought she was a boy and joined the boy scouts! Wouldn't it? I realize some complained that boys could earn the title of Eagle Scout and the girl scouts only offered a Gold award as their top honor. Their complaint being Eagle Scout is more prestigious therefore sexist! The girls want what the boys got! I'll just leave that there.
 The other tidbit in the news was regarding the opioid epidemic in America. That is how they always refer to that illegal drug use. It's an epidemic! An epidemic is the widespread occurrence of a disease. When you have hundreds of people choosing to use illegal drugs is that an epidemic? It is in today's world. Drug addiction is a disease, not a mental health issue. It was designated such so the medical professionals could file insurance claims. That began in 1953 when alcoholism was labeled a disease. Medical insurance is available, whether it is private insurance or government funded, think free to those that don't contribute to the system in any way, and so we need a medical condition. Just like that, addiction becomes a disease! Mental health insurance isn't as readily available or as easy to justify. Remember in 1953 there were state-run mental health facilities were those with mental health issues were treated. You really didn't want to go there.
 The news item about that was regarding designating certain areas as safe spaces to use illegal drugs. That's right, in these spaces you can shoot up your drugs and if you begin to overdose an attendant will administer Narcan and save you. You're safe! Well because if you purchase illegal street drugs you can never be assured of quality and you shouldn't die because of that. The government will take care of you, no need to worry. Just head to the government flophouse! Just another way Uncle Sam is putting your tax dollars to work for you! Well, not really you,  but those that don't work or contribute to society in a positive way. That's aright they will be given pamphlets about the disease of addiction to read over. I'm certain counseling will follow. That ought to cure them alright! The rhetoric is, taking a stand against opioid addiction! I can only assume the thinking is we can't cure that so we will keep it from killing you as a stop gap measure. As long as we can shield you from the consequences of your actions you will eventually understand. Wait, what? If you are not held accountable you will assume accountability for your choices? And yes, regardless of any other circumstances that exist the illegal use of opioids is a choice on your part! I would argue that even if you became addicted to them after having used the prescribed dose it is your choice not to seek professional help in getting rid of that addiction! The addiction is not your choice, I'll concede that, but continuing it is! So now we will provide legal spaces to do illegal drugs! The as long as it doesn't affect me it is alright attitude. Just put the drug abusers out of sight, assign a monitor to them, to keep them from killing themselves and that is fine. Hey, it's commendable even. The bonus is I don't have to see these drug-ravaged people out in the streets. Why it's a public safety issue.
 When I was little the 21st century seemed like a long way off. It was somewhere in the future. I heard all the promises being made about better living through technology. We were supposed to have flying cars by now. Everyone would be wearing a sort of uniform. Was that a foretelling of an entirely socialist world. Everyone gets the same regardless? Seems to me the future is always portrayed that way in fashion. There are no poor people in the future. Well, here we are 18 years into the 21st century and things ain't looking too good from where I stand. The wheels are definitely falling off. The girls are joining the boy scouts, I guess the big bathroom issue is behind us, haven't heard much about that lately. Anyone can marry just about anyone and bakers have to bake the cake. Choosing to use illegal drugs is now an addiction, along with everything else if you have the money to support that claim in court, think sexting and sex addiction! It's not really your fault if you cheat, you're addicted! Counseling or in-house treatment should cure you, as long as you have the money and the insurance holds out. If not, we will provide a legal place to do illegal things. That way it's not illegal! Gotta love that 21st-century logic. Man, I wish I could live long enough to see the 22nd! It is gonna be a doozy! Well, if we make it that far.            

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