Sunday, May 27, 2018


 Playing to the audience. That is what they call it when you just make music or whatever to please the audience. The implication being the person is compromising in some fashion. The object is to gain fame or fortune. You would think that I don't have to be concerned with that, after all I'm certainly not getting rich or famous writing a blog! I imagine there are some folks that have managed to do that. I'm thinking you really need to go on twitter or you tube if you were interested in that. I've never heard of a blogger going viral. Maybe that is because us bloggers are already a little sick. Whatever the case, I do think about that stuff every now and again. I don't want to start writing to my audience. It is a matter of personal integrity in my thinking. I admit it is a temptation at times rather than giving actual thought to what it is I am trying to talk about. It's pretty easy to write about things everyone loves and agrees on. I see a number of Facebook postings that do just that every day. Share if you love puppies, leave a note if you hate cancer, that sort of thing. Of course I see just the opposite as well. There are those posting that appear to just try to create controversy.
 It is true that I've gotten folks upset with some of my opinions. Well that's unfortunate but unavoidable. If no one is challenging what you say, you ain't saying much. That's the way I think about that anyway. I'm not trying to elicit a response so much as stimulate discussion. That's what I tell myself. It's quite an easy task to get a reaction out of people. Any fool can do that, it takes a special kind of fool to fish for truth. That's because when fishing you can never be sure what it is you will catch, It ain't always good! I'll keep on casting my line though, might get the big one.
 There are times when I'm not certain just what I'm trying to say. This morning is one of those times. I don't want to write a blog just for the sake of writing a blog. I also don't want to start writing stories to just satisfy my readers and gain an audience. At the same time I want people to read my blog, if no one reads it, what is the point in writing it? That is the dilemma I face. The whole bit about doing it for yourself sounds all Zen, but I'm no Buddhist! I admit I like feedback and recognition. I like to think I have something of some importance to say or share. I also believe the hardest person to convince of that should be yourself! That feeling goes by a few descriptions. Self confidence is one, conceit is another. The difficulty lies in distinguishing between the two.
 Over the years of writing these postings I would say I have done so with a broad brush. As my wife is fond of pointing out, there isn't much I haven't written about. Some would call that being opinionated. I would have to agree. If however I where a famous professor with a PhD my blogs would be viewed differently. They might be considered a definitive guide to morality and virtue in the American experience. I may be on the talk show circuit or giving lectures. That's what being a " expert " is all about. All you need to do is convince others! I often wonder if those so-called experts believe what they are saying. Could it be that they are playing to an audience? Dr. Phil jumps to mind for some reason. Now his show is more like Jerry Springer. I'm thinking that is solely to keep the ratings up. Has Dr. Phil sold out or did he intentionally build the store? Well, whatever the case he is successful right? It also helps when you have a son that publishes your books. Whatever, I didn't intend to bash Dr. Phil just provide an example of what I'm thinking about.
 I have yet to find a single subject that can hold my sole attention for any great length of time. You can say I'm inquisitive or nosey. I enjoy learning about all manner of stuff. I like to think and I like to do. I want to design the house but build it also. It is a lack of focus that hampers my ambition. That is what I have always been told. I remember my teachers in school saying just that. " Mr. Reichart if you would just buckle down and apply yourself. " Gad, I hated hearing that over and over. I got it done didn't I? I passed the test didn't I? Isn't that why I'm here? What's the problem?
 I've rambled on enough this morning without really saying a thing. I always feel a little let down when that happens. Maybe it happens more than I realize. I've been told that I like to talk just to hear myself talk, could be I like to write just to read what I wrote! Now just what is that saying? I do need to remind myself on occasion. It's just my opinion. Opinion is fact to the one stating that opinion. Facts can also be other peoples opinions. But opinions are subject to change, facts are not! Well, unless I change my opinion about that. Should I change my opinion to please the audience? That's a problem though, do the ends justify the means? Scholars debate the value of Consequentialism, that is to say the ultimate consequence of an action determines that actions worth. The only problem being, determination of worth to whom? To you or the majority?      

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