Saturday, May 5, 2018

being judged

You must be willing to share your thoughts without fear of judgment. This is one of the secrets to a successful life. Until you can give voice to those ideas, those ideas will never flourish, or die. They will just remain there, hidden, festering and unproductive.  It is true that you may be mocked, laughed at, or even scorned for doing so, but the reward is more than ample compensation for any uncomfortable emotions that may incite. You get to sleep at night and there are fewer tremors to shake your foundation. Not all your thoughts are brilliant ideas or even meaningful statements. Some are just fragments waiting for the other pieces to fall into place. That falling into place will happen in its own time, you can't anticipate it or rush the process. It takes time to grow. We must remember that all growth is not necessarily good, but all growth is beneficial. We do have to prune the tree of knowledge occasionally. That became true the moment we harvested that fruit! It was at that point we became aware, at that moment we knew judgment. Our conscience was formed.
 When I began writing these posts I began to share those thoughts. In the beginning, they were just memories. As time went on I began to open up a bit more about what I really thought. That didn't always go over very well. It was troubling for a while as I didn't understand the issue at hand. I didn't understand that my thoughts were in such contrast to what some others were thinking. It is difficult to imagine the color red may appear green to someone else. Eventually, some folks became so offended by my thoughts and opinions they began to complain. Some wanted me silenced. I couldn't comprehend why they listened if that was the case. I won't stay for a movie I don't enjoy, nor will I buy another ticket to the same show, insisting they rewrite the movie. I did eventually open my own " theater " of sorts.
 I would say it has been a learning experience. It has proven to be more of a proving ground for my thoughts than anything else. The good and bad in people has been confirmed. I tend to take people at their word until given reason to believe otherwise. Once trust has been broken I find it extremely difficult to mend. A repair is still the weakest point in any structure. It doesn't matter if that structure is a physical object or a trust. You do have to rely on the repair! I was surprised to find that some folks have more repairs that foundation! They seem to be in a constant state of revision and repair. They tend to grasp onto whatever the latest material is and go for that. I'm more the type to stick with what I know works. I have noticed that the more people display their wares the more likely they are to abandon them or sacrifice them for momentary gains. The more they profess the more they repudiate that confession in actual practice. That's because the show is more important than the action. That appears especially true in politics and religion.
 It is something I have known for more years than even I realized. The best thing is to share your thoughts honestly without fear of judgment. Once you begin to manipulate and machinate life gets complicated. You really do have to let the chips fall where they may. Walking alone is better than running from the truth. The truth is you can't hide your thoughts or fool yourself. In the end, when real success is not measured in profit and popularity, the peace that comes from having spoken your truth is the reward. It is then you may appear before your God unencumbered by deceit and receive that which you shouldn't fear, judgment.  

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