Wednesday, May 9, 2018

land of the free

Free-range parenting is the concept of raising children in the spirit of encouraging them to function independently in proper accordance of their age of development with a reasonable acceptance of realistic personal risks.
 I had to look up this definition this morning after hearing a news story saying Utah passed legislation regarding Free Range Parenting. I was forced to say, Huh? I have heard of free range chickens as a healthy alternative to caged up chickens, but free range children? Had I missed something here. So, I checked. A concept of raising children in the spirit of encouraging them to function independently! Wait a minute, wait a minute are you trying to say we have passed legislation actually encouraging children to adopt some conservative values? Just what is going on here, encouraging children to function independently? Next thing you know they are going to vote their own minds, then where we will be? Acting independently from government guidelines and directives? Oh my God. what's next? You really want children to accept reasonable personal risk? They may not get the trophy? You are trying to tell me you are going to allow children to go somewhere, on their own, without adult supervision and intervention! What if someone calls them a name? What if someone tries to cheat them? Just who is going to testify in court when their feelings have been hurt? Free range parenting, just let them roam? OMG! Is this 1956? 
 As you can tell by my sarcastic attitude I think this is the stupidest thing I've heard in a while. We have to pass laws to protect parents from parenting? Yes, it is my firm belief that parents should raise their children to act independently. Yes they should learn to assess and assume personal risks. I call it, growing up. And yes, I have raised children of my own. We all agree that we shouldn't abuse our children or any one else's child. That has to be stated and legislated for the liberals otherwise they will just do whatever feels good or makes the most profit. The liberals will think of every possible scenario and circumstance, no matter how remote the possibility, to invoke some government intervention. They are still working of a parenting tax! Maybe they could use this free range parenting legislation to tax parents that are actually parenting their children. A sort of, if you don't have insurance thing, we'll charge you because you can't afford insurance scenario. That's because children should be monitored at all times! If those kids want to go to the park you either go with them or hire a child monitor! Can't afford that, want to let them " free range? " You need to pay the tax. The government will then provide counseling, after the fact, when you child gets their feelings hurt because they weren't included in the pick up basketball game. Emotional scarring is serious business, mustn't risk that.
 And one more note on all this free range parenting stuff. The government is instituting legislation on how we can raise our children. They have labeled letting your children go to the playground unsupervised, or walking home from the school bus alone, as child neglect. Parents have been charged and persecuted. Spanking your child can be viewed as abuse. You are not even supposed to raise your voice at them. But, let's not forget this same government says , as long as they haven't been born yet you can kill them! Yes, think about that. As long as they are safely in the womb where they can't be harmed by other people it's a choice to just kill them. Now, once they are born, it is a crime to allow them to go unsupervised because someone, somewhere, may or may not harm them. Children don't get to decide, children shouldn't be allowed to function independently! Just what kind of parent would do that? 

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