Thursday, May 31, 2018

a guaranteed faith

 It has been said that all things change over time. I would say that isn't exactly the truth, it is only the manner in which we view or practice things that changes over time. That is why the elderly complain about children. It is really quite simple, as I find most things to be at their essence. It does seem the more " educated " man becomes the more he likes to complicate things. I suppose if you have those advanced degrees the wish is to impose them on others, to prove your superiority. " Knowledge without humility is vanity " ( A.W. Tozer ) Einstein said, " if you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself " I agree with both of those gentlemen. There really isn't much that changes over time, life processes remain the same, and the manner in which men wish to be treated. That isn't to say there is anything inherently wrong with changes. I'm not saying that, what I am saying is,  what men want changes very little.
 I, of course, write only from my perspective. I report what I have seen, learned or experienced in my lifetime, a lifetime not yet complete and therefore subject to change. There are some changes that quite naturally make me uncomfortable, a departure from what I expect. The worship of God, as I perceive it, has changed. Where once we prayed in humbled whispers we now shout in jubilation at a God we no longer know. We strike up the band,  instead of sending up prayers. Faith is displayed in shows of testimony, impressing our belief upon others,  rather than confessing our shortcomings.          Now, all that is not really new, some folks have always worshipped in that fashion. It is just a cultural thing. There is no right or wrong as far as that goes. That is to say, as long as the end result is the same. And what is the purpose, the desired end result of worship? To please our God and gain eternal life for ourselves. That's pretty much the basic purpose. Really a selfish thing when viewed in that fashion, the desired result being a reward. But that is what we are taught, for the most part. That is the incentive! Worship is the means to an end. I'd say that worship as a means can take you down the wrong path altogether. Worship is a function of the heart and a personal thing. The purpose of worship is to establish a relationship with your God. It is not to establish a relationship with my God. That is the distinction I feel is being lost in the show. It is that that causes my discomfort. Historically it is the search for God that has been the impetus for good and evil. Little inspires folks to action more than their God.
 I have seen a change in that regard. God seldom provides instant rewards, we must be patient. Are we not taught that lesson from the moment we are told about God? The reason for that is God provides us with the intangible. It is those intangibles that bring the final comfort to our lives. Happiness, contentment, peace of mind, love , all those things we can't purchase on Amazon! But it takes time and devotion. Now I see the setting aside of God in favor of the things that provide instant gratification, immediate relief. The attempt is being made to replace God with science. We can explain it all and provide artificial means to achieve an end. Of course we first remove the idea of life beyond death. That's why we need to dismiss the premise of God as the creator of life. With the removal of God we can change the narrative altogether. The only reward is what we receive here on earth. In so doing we can justify our response to perceived inequities and injustice. We can then use the very things we wish to obtain as tools against those that would deny us what they can't provide in the first place! We will legislate faith as a form of government! A " faith " that provides immediate relief and benefits, no waiting, no praying, no hoping. It's a guarantee.
 Is the worship of God empirical? For me it certainly is. I have seen works that could be accomplished by no other. There is the natural world as well as what we call miracles. In my experience God does interact with the world. It is not a theory, and I have to admit,  not really logical. I say the later because I can't grasp quite why God created the world in the first place, to amuse himself? But, then again, I don't need to concern myself with that. The world is real, I live in it and have to deal with that. I believe God created it all. I don't believe he would create something just to see it destroyed. That includes me.
Matthew 6:19-21 19"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
 Matthew explained it a bit more concisely than I did. I just wanted to give my point of view. The difficulty for us all is to separate our treasures from our hearts!

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Can I say that?

 It's been confirmed, freedom of speech has now been limited to those on the left. Everyone else is either a racist, spewing hate speech or has a phobia on some kind. Never much of a fan of Roseanne I read where her show was canceled because of a tweet. Well, she probably should have known better. There are only certain circumstances and situations where you are allowed to make such jokes. She did apologize but there is no forgiveness from the left, the land of inclusiveness and charity! Yes, those on the left will make you empathic, understanding and compassionate no matter how much they have to tax or fine you! You will be ostracized into submission!
 I have watched this progression for some time. When you start labeling speech as a crime ( hate speech ) you should become alarmed. That is sorta the reason the founding fathers wrote the first amendment and made it first! Yeah, it's kinda important. Yes, there were restrictions placed on it, think hollering fire, for the general safety of everyone. That was followed by laws about , inciting a riot. Both things reasonable and made necessary by unreasonable people. The thing is actual physical harm could stem from both of those actions effecting many people. It's a shame those rules have to exist. But now we have reached the point where just hurting someone's feelings can get you silenced, indeed you can be hauled into court over that! Strange how those on the left are free to exercise " their first amendment rights " think disrespecting the National Anthem, staging " die ins " at places of business and any number of things that hurt the feelings of the more conservative members of our society but when those same folks are offended, it's hate speech! There are attempts being made to regulate social media, think book banning, the restriction of disseminating opinions, views, facts or fiction freely!
 Did Roseanne Bar make a racially insensitive remark/joke? Yes, yes she did and so does any number of comedians in nightclubs across this country every night. Does the main stream media degrade, disrespect, and accuse the President of the United States of nefarious plans and strategies every day? Yes, they do! Turn on the talk shows and give them a listen. Shows like the VIEW! How is that not offensive, insensitive and hateful? Makes me sick.
 We are fast approaching a tipping point. Either we are going to preserve the Republic or we will allow it to degenerate into a socialist form of government. When freedom of speech is gone, when the right to bear arms is gone, and the population made dependent upon government, the transformation will have taken place. And you know what? You will not be able to even talk about it, no fond remembrances of the good old days allowed! History will have been erased, because we were offended! Freedom of speech isn't just for saying what people want to hear! It is not conditional! 

Tuesday, May 29, 2018


 James Monroe wrote, " To suppose any form of government will secure liberty or happiness without any virtue in the people is a chirmical idea. " What is he saying here? I think we would have to begin with the idea of virtue. He says we must have virtue in the people. What is virtue? Virtue is having high moral standards is the short answer. The question is from where or from what do we derive our high moral standards? According to the history James Monroe was a Christian. He was baptized in the Episcopal Church. There are some who make claim that he was really a Deist. The distinction is not so important as the belief, in my opinion. It is the actions we are instructed to follow that secure our salvation, not the motivation behind them. James Monroe derived his high moral standards from the Bible! I don't think you could make any argument to the contrary. That the founding fathers, as we have taken to calling them, where Christians in the majority is undisputed. Yes, these men where well read and certainly influenced by other writings and teachings. I do believe that Monroe was referencing the teachings of the Bible as his example of a virtuous person. That was his model. The moral standards of the American society are founded in that. Did not the Puritans arrive on this soil to escape religious prosecution? They carried with them the Geneva Bible. That Bible had been translated from the Latin and Greek and was not liked by the Pope or King James! Fact is, King James made it a felony to even own a copy and had his own translation printed, the King James Bible we all know today. I'm certain Monroe had read them all. And, in it's essence, all those Bibles say the same thing. Virtue and morality are based on Gods word as contained in the scriptures! 
 So, when James Monroe said, " to suppose any form of government will secure liberty or happiness without any virtue in the people is a chimerical idea" he was talking about Christian values. He was saying it is not " government " that will ensure liberty or happiness. He uses the word chimerical, one I wasn't familiar with but is defined as, " a thing that is hoped for, or wished for,  but is impossible to achieve. " He is making it clear that government can not guarantee liberty or happiness. In so saying what is the implication? Seems clear that the implication is that those are personal achievements achieved only by the moral and virtuous man. And yes, when I say man, I mean everyone, mankind, humankind, whatever other nouns or pronouns you wish to apply.
 " Before any man can be considered as a member of a civil society, he must be considered as a subject of the governor of the universe, and to the same author of every good and perfect gift we are indebted for all those privileges and advantages, religious as well as civil, which are so richly enjoyed in this favored land. " Those were the thoughts of then President Monroe. Notice he says " governor of the universe. " There was political correctness even then and so that is why the cryptic reference to God. He gives the credit to God for religious and civil advantages enjoyed by the citizens of America. The importance to me is his acknowledgement that man must be considered  a subject of God. What is a subject? In his day a subject was a person that was loyal and subject to the will of his master. He is saying that God is the master of all mankind!
 Why, you wonder why am I writing about this? I am writing in search of answers. As I watch the news and see all the terrible events that are taking place I want to know why. What has happened to man that he commits such atrophic acts? And it is certainly an atrophy in morality and virtues. I don't believe anyone could deny that. James Monroe provides insight. You can not expect any form of government to provide moral or virtuous solutions to the struggle of just being human. It is God, by whatever name you choose, that will provide that guidance. It is God that will provide the strength to endure. Monroe clearly states, we are all indebted for whatever privilege or advantage we enjoy. We need to return to that attitude and in that the government may heal itself. The healing taking place in the hearts of the governed! Government in and of itself can not provide liberty or happiness. Let's quit trying to legislate that.     

Monday, May 28, 2018

Comemorate or Celebrate

 I don't think there is much I can write about Memorial today that hasn't already been written. What can you say about those that lost their lives. We like to call them heroes, speak of their sacrifice and bravery to justify that loss. That is only natural. A day was instituted to remember them all. As we all know it was originally called decoration day and was to be observed on the 30th of May, regardless of the day of the week. Over time that became an inconvenience and the day was moved, included in the Uniform Monday Holiday act. That decision was made in 1968. In my thinking it marks a beginning. It is then when " legislation " decided that convenience was more important than the actual observation. The name of the day was even changed! From then on it was officially Memorial day. I see today, in 2018 the removal of memorials! Yes, only certain offensive memorials but memorials nonetheless. Is it time to change the name again?
 The original intent was to remember those that lost their lives. We went to the cemeteries and decorated the graves. Speeches were made and tales told. The names were spoken, honored and respected. The thing is the day was spent with the dead. Yes, that's correct, the picnics and speeches were given in the cemeteries. It was a day for the fallen! That was the purpose, to never forget them. It has become a popular phrase today " Never Forget " but what are we supposed to never forget? The implication is to remember the injury caused us by some other foreign power or group. Never forget they attacked the twin towers or never forget Pearl Harbor. We are urged to remember the injustice! But Decoration day/ Memorial Day is to remember those that fought and died. It is those that paid the price for that injustice!

    " For love of country they accepted death, and thus resolved all doubts, and made immortal their patriotism and their virtue. For the noblest man that lives, there still remains a conflict. He must still withstand the assaults of time and fortune, must still be assailed with temptations, before which lofty natures have fallen; but with these the conflict ended, the victory was won, when death stamped on them the great seal of heroic character, and closed a record which years can never blot. " 
 That is an except from a speech given by then President James Garfield at Arlington National Cemetery in 1868. He spoke of the " great seal of heroic character." What does he mean by that? I believe he is talking about putting ideals above yourself.  For love of country they accepted death! They did what needed to be done, not for themselves but for their country. He speaks of the " noblest man " that lives and their continued struggles. That is us! That is who he is talking about, and what temptations is he implying? The temptation to forget. The temptation to compromise their patriotism, indeed their virtue to satisfy their own wants and needs. For the love of Country they accepted death! 
 I can't help but question. I can't help but feel a tinge of guilt. Is this a day to celebrate? Shouldn't this be a day to commemorate, not celebrate? Yes I realize the words are synonymous. Still, each word invokes a slightly different meaning. To commemorate implies it is done for someone or something else. To celebrate is a more personal action, done more for your own enjoyment than anything else. It is my feeling in 1968 Decoration Day was changed, made more convenient and the very nature of it changed. It went from commemoration to celebration! Indeed labeled a holiday with all that implies. It is a sign of an ever changing society and that is as it should be. Change isn't always for the best, but change will always happen.   

Sunday, May 27, 2018


 Playing to the audience. That is what they call it when you just make music or whatever to please the audience. The implication being the person is compromising in some fashion. The object is to gain fame or fortune. You would think that I don't have to be concerned with that, after all I'm certainly not getting rich or famous writing a blog! I imagine there are some folks that have managed to do that. I'm thinking you really need to go on twitter or you tube if you were interested in that. I've never heard of a blogger going viral. Maybe that is because us bloggers are already a little sick. Whatever the case, I do think about that stuff every now and again. I don't want to start writing to my audience. It is a matter of personal integrity in my thinking. I admit it is a temptation at times rather than giving actual thought to what it is I am trying to talk about. It's pretty easy to write about things everyone loves and agrees on. I see a number of Facebook postings that do just that every day. Share if you love puppies, leave a note if you hate cancer, that sort of thing. Of course I see just the opposite as well. There are those posting that appear to just try to create controversy.
 It is true that I've gotten folks upset with some of my opinions. Well that's unfortunate but unavoidable. If no one is challenging what you say, you ain't saying much. That's the way I think about that anyway. I'm not trying to elicit a response so much as stimulate discussion. That's what I tell myself. It's quite an easy task to get a reaction out of people. Any fool can do that, it takes a special kind of fool to fish for truth. That's because when fishing you can never be sure what it is you will catch, It ain't always good! I'll keep on casting my line though, might get the big one.
 There are times when I'm not certain just what I'm trying to say. This morning is one of those times. I don't want to write a blog just for the sake of writing a blog. I also don't want to start writing stories to just satisfy my readers and gain an audience. At the same time I want people to read my blog, if no one reads it, what is the point in writing it? That is the dilemma I face. The whole bit about doing it for yourself sounds all Zen, but I'm no Buddhist! I admit I like feedback and recognition. I like to think I have something of some importance to say or share. I also believe the hardest person to convince of that should be yourself! That feeling goes by a few descriptions. Self confidence is one, conceit is another. The difficulty lies in distinguishing between the two.
 Over the years of writing these postings I would say I have done so with a broad brush. As my wife is fond of pointing out, there isn't much I haven't written about. Some would call that being opinionated. I would have to agree. If however I where a famous professor with a PhD my blogs would be viewed differently. They might be considered a definitive guide to morality and virtue in the American experience. I may be on the talk show circuit or giving lectures. That's what being a " expert " is all about. All you need to do is convince others! I often wonder if those so-called experts believe what they are saying. Could it be that they are playing to an audience? Dr. Phil jumps to mind for some reason. Now his show is more like Jerry Springer. I'm thinking that is solely to keep the ratings up. Has Dr. Phil sold out or did he intentionally build the store? Well, whatever the case he is successful right? It also helps when you have a son that publishes your books. Whatever, I didn't intend to bash Dr. Phil just provide an example of what I'm thinking about.
 I have yet to find a single subject that can hold my sole attention for any great length of time. You can say I'm inquisitive or nosey. I enjoy learning about all manner of stuff. I like to think and I like to do. I want to design the house but build it also. It is a lack of focus that hampers my ambition. That is what I have always been told. I remember my teachers in school saying just that. " Mr. Reichart if you would just buckle down and apply yourself. " Gad, I hated hearing that over and over. I got it done didn't I? I passed the test didn't I? Isn't that why I'm here? What's the problem?
 I've rambled on enough this morning without really saying a thing. I always feel a little let down when that happens. Maybe it happens more than I realize. I've been told that I like to talk just to hear myself talk, could be I like to write just to read what I wrote! Now just what is that saying? I do need to remind myself on occasion. It's just my opinion. Opinion is fact to the one stating that opinion. Facts can also be other peoples opinions. But opinions are subject to change, facts are not! Well, unless I change my opinion about that. Should I change my opinion to please the audience? That's a problem though, do the ends justify the means? Scholars debate the value of Consequentialism, that is to say the ultimate consequence of an action determines that actions worth. The only problem being, determination of worth to whom? To you or the majority?      

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Too much

 As we age we all need to make adjustments. We start by accepting certain things. We can't party all night like we used to, and then get up in the morning. We can't play hooky from our jobs and just take days off. Yes, we have to make adjustments, become, shudder, responsible adults. Before you know it you are driving a mini van and attending dance recitals. But you make all these adjustments and life continues. Eventually the grandkids come along and more adjustments are made. But there is one thing we fail to adjust at some point in our lives, we fail to adjust for inflation! Well, what I mean is we refuse to adjust for inflation any further. For me I think I quit adjusting about 1989 or so. That's how much things should cost. For instance a postage stamp was a quarter. A gallon of gas $1.08. A new car was about nine thousand dollars. Those prices seem reasonable enough. Much more than that and it's price gouging. That is what I mean about adjusting.
 When I was growing up I heard about people with " old money. " Those folks were rich and their money had come from their parents and grandparents. In other words, their money wasn't necessarily earned by the ones spending it , no, it was old money. There are the Kennedys, the Fords, the Rockefeller's,  J.P. Morgan, Astor and DuPont. That's old money. Old money holds its' value. No need to adjust for inflation when you have that much. And then there are the rest of us. Our money is not old money, it's new money. New money is constantly changing in value. It is a strange thing. And the thing is, at some point we will quit adjusting that value, at least in our own minds we do. Then we begin to deal with that " old money " concept. The difference is I'm using the 1989 value in 2018. That's the reason three dollars a gallon for gas is outrageous! I'm not adjusting for inflation.
 Now all of that is a personal thing. Each of us view it a bit differently I suppose. I just think about it most when I am giving a gift to someone. Say the grandkids are having a birthday but they are getting older now. You decide they could just use some cash instead of a gift. How much cash do you give? What you really have to decide is, which money are we talking about, old money or new money? In old money, in my way of thinking about value, a hundred dollars is a good sum. To a sixteen year old kid today, a hundred bucks is what, a pair of shoes? That's what I mean about adjusting for inflation. And there comes a point when we all fail to do that, convinced of the value of a dollar. Well, we were told we needed to learn the value of a dollar weren't we?
 What I would like to know, but never will, is what is it like to have old money? I could win the lottery tonight but that would be new money. That isn't what I am thinking about. What would it be like to have always had old money, a supply of cash taken as granted. What would your parents have taught you about that? And I wonder what you would think about those folks that didn't have that old money? I've always heard that the old money doesn't respect that new money. Old money is better! I have to say I agree with that. If I had my old money today I wouldn't be worried about getting new money. That old money sure went a lot further!
 What is the value of a dollar? That is what I am talking about and it varies with every individual. I do believe age and maturity plays a role. I have no first hand experience with it but I would imagine inherited wealth would be a factor as well. Is money really worth more if you earned it? Depends, doesn't it?
 It depends mostly upon how important money is to you. How much are you willing to spend? Is that amount different than what you would spend on yourself? How much of yourself are you willing to give? Do we adjust that for inflation? Is it ever too much? Well, that's a different discussion altogether, isn't it? 

Friday, May 25, 2018

Howards' Hope

 The wife and I took a ride yesterday to just enjoy the countryside. It was such a beautiful day and everything has turned green around us. I took along my new camera to capture some of the scenery. I don't aspire to be a photographer of any kind but do enjoy sharing my pictures. All pictures are memories and as such, should be shared. After all, each click of the shutter does capture a particular instant in time, one that will never exist again. What a gift it is to be able to do that with such ease and low expense these days. I remember all too well sending film out for developing, waiting for its' return and then being disappointed with the results, not to mention the waste of money! No concerns in that regard today. I can tell instantly if I like the picture or not! The only thing we can't do is rewind time and take that shot over. Strangely I can rewind live TV! Well I know it is really just rewinding the live television that was recorded, but still, we say we can rewind live television?
 Living out here in the country you just never know what you might find. I like seeing all the animals in the fields and the crops being planted. I especially enjoy seeing old farms and farm houses tucked into small groves of tress. The fields have been cleared of trees for many years with just a few standing next to the houses or barns. I imagine the farmer at the end of a long day taking refuge in the shade of those trees. Back in the days before air conditioning that is all they had. Those trees also blocked the harsh winter winds somewhat. I love seeing the silos standing above the whole scene, almost as sentinels to the coming winter. That is when they serve their purpose, storing up the summer. I like to imagine what it must have been like back in the days of horse and buggy. The amount of ground we covered in just a few hours would have taken weeks to explore in that fashion.
 Yesterdays little foray into the countryside was a reminder of just how beautiful a country we live in. The wide open spaces are really quite, well, wide open! It is hard to fathom that each square inch of the land we see is owned either by someone or the government. That is a thought I often have. I wonder who owns this land? The Indians, native Americans if you prefer, didn't believe anyone owned the land. They did believe in protecting their territory however. Their concept of ownership was really not that different than ours, they just had a socialist attitude toward the land. Land belonged to the tribe, not the individual. It was defended by the tribe as well. But it was a simple time, when folks needs were more basic. Arguably it was a better time, depending upon your viewpoint. All of that is fun to think about. But, you did have to be concerned about trespass even then. The penalty for that could be quite severe depending! At least today I can ride the public highways without the concern of attack. That possibility surely added to the adventure of a road trip! Or, was it a trail trip?
 Whatever the case I did enjoy yesterdays little ride. The corn is popping up in rows all around me. There is milo and other crops planted. It won't be long before the farm stands are open. Fishing and crabbing season is upon us as well. Spring surely has to be the most beautiful time of the year. To see the earth springing back to life, renewed. You really do start to take things for granted unless you take a good look around. We all should take inventory every now and again. Count our blessings as our Moms told us to do. We are surrounded by them if you just take the time to look. And, don't forget to share. I found a hidden gem yesterday on my journey. It is a cemetery called Howards Hope. I spotted first a wooden cross close to the road and went back to investigate. There is a small overgrown area all fenced. Back a few feet stands a sign that identifies this as Howards Hope. Below that proclamation is a bible verse. It reads, If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.

1 Corinthians 15:19 Context

16For if the dead rise not, then is not Christ raised: 17And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins. 18Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished. 19If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable. 20But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept. 21For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. 22For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.
I had to look it up to understand the meaning. That is what I found. Like I said, you just never know what you might find. In that cemetery there are four souls, I found that information on line. The last buried there in 1871. Surely someone is taking care of the sign and the cross if not cutting the grass. I'd say Howards' Hope lives on and that is a wonderful thing. Interesting that I found the four names  buried there and not one of them is Howard. There has got to be a story there. 

Thursday, May 24, 2018


 Two months ago I had a bit of a medical emergency. After two days of complaining I went to the emergency room where I was informed I was having a heart attack. Well, who knew? It wasn't anything like I had seen on television, no clutching my chest and gasping in pain. Hollywood! But a stent was immediately put in place and three days later I went home. Things returned to normal in short order. The only things different are my diet, I have modified that, and I was given Cardiac Rehabilitation. Yes, I now have to go to the geriatric gym at the hospital! I've been using the treadmill, recumbent bicycles and other machines to test your cardiovascular fitness. I have lost nine pounds and feel great. I receive congratulations and support from the hospital staff, my wife and family. If I am going to die, I might as well die healthy! That's my new motto.
 It is remarkable what modern medicine can do. Despite all the complaints about insurance, costs, appointments, malpractice, and all of that, I commend them. For me, the procedure went wonderfully and there were no issues. You do have to do as you are told. It makes no sense to go to the doctor and then not follow his or her advice. I am trying a modified Mediterranean diet. Fruits, vegetables and whole grain breads. It is not an unpleasant thing, just different. You just have to make a choice, I really do believe you control what you eat and drink and I believe you can change that despite all the advertisers trying to just hawk " substitutes " that look and taste the same. To me it is like giving a drug addict a different drug and telling them they are cured! But don't get me started on all of that. Addiction is a choice, not a disease! If I remain overweight, out of shape and have poor cardio-vascular health that is my choice as well. I can change all of that. I really don't think there is any danger of me becoming a gym rat though, I've yet to understand why people do that sort of thing for enjoyment! I'd rather read a book, write a story or do something useful.  But apparently it has become a necessity. When I was younger I couldn't wait to grow up and live my life. So many exciting things I wanted to do and places to go. Well, I've gotten older that much is certain and now the struggle is not so much to live my life as it is to stay alive! A new perspective.
 I usually don't talk much about this stuff as nobody really wants to hear it. I will listen to others and  empathize but I wouldn't call it a stimulating discussion. If it didn't happen to you, it is rather boring. I quit smoking a number of years back but have never preached to anyone else about kicking the habit. For me that was just another choice I made. I didn't need patches, pills and support groups! What I needed to do was decide. I believe that is all any of us need. Now maybe you will decide you need those things to quit, nothing wrong with that either, but my point is you have to make the decision. Do what you need to do, for you. Now that I've had this little incident, and that is what it is in my mind, I need to decide what to do. I need to convince myself how serious a situation it was. For now I'm just doing what I am told. I'm just not one much for getting all fired up about things. Actors call it finding their motivation. That's what I need to find as well, my motivation. In almost all situations that motivation has to benefit the individual to be truly effective. To just , " do it for otters " usually isn't sufficient. Well unless those others are of some benefit to you!
 That's the way it works in the world, at least in my experience it does. Maybe not the most Christian or empathic of statements to make, but the truth. Truth isn't always a pleasant thing, but a necessity. We all have to do what we have to do. If you don't, you'll pay for it in the end. Wait, have I finally determined that I can't live forever? When I was younger I believed I would, truth is it wasn't that many years ago I still sorta believed that. Knowing something and accepting it are two different things. Yes there comes a point in your life when you have to accept mortality. Not just admit that it is inevitable, but accept that. It shouldn't be depressing. It should be something you are prepared for. I'm in no hurry, I've got time to work on it. I didn't think that work included a gym! Life is full of surprises. And that is what happened to me two months ago tomorrow, surprise ! Well you just never know do you?  

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

greater risk

 How are we going to disarm the bad guys? That is the question that is really being asked these days. Despite all the talk of reinforcing the school houses to resemble fortresses and possibly just banning certain gun accessories, the real problem is disarming criminals. How do you get those folks to stop shooting? Well, we place blame on environment, culture and mental health. Those three do influence the decisions we all make there is no denying that. Were I born in a different place, under different circumstance I'm certain I would be a different person. That is just a no-brainer. But why do we only place blame on those factors when things go wrong? You don't hear anyone saying they were the causes of things going right! Oh, you hear, in spite of, again an acknowledgement of something being wrong, but not because of. Still, the question is, how to disarm the bad guys.
 The real answer is one no one likes or wants to hear, you can't. Those intent on doing harm to others will find a method to do so. This notion that guns just make it easier and more efficient is nonsense. There are plenty of other methods that can kill or maim just as quickly and just as easily. It doesn't take a genius to figure those other methods out either. We work and handle those devices and materials every day. Ever read warning labels? Many of us laugh about them but they are there for a reason. Mishandled those items can be deadly. Don't think so, read about something a large number of people use every day in the summer months. Chlorine. Yes, those same chlorine tablets we haphazardly use in our swimming pools can kill large numbers of people almost instantly if deployed for that reason. But, I'm not going down a list of ways to kill people, my point is simply that anyone can do that.
 I know we hear that there are more guns today than ever before in America. That may be true I won't argue that point. I certainly believe that as far as households go, far more households had guns in years past than do today. My point being a gun, rifle, shotgun or pistol was a necessary household tool. They were not locked up in a safety cabinet or had trigger guards and such on them either. They were in plain sight, ready to use at all times. For that reason I say it isn't the availability of a gun that is the root cause of this. The fact that modern guns can shoot faster or longer is not the point either. What is the point is the willingness of people to use these guns to kill other people. How do get them to stop doing that? I sure wish I had an answer. I don't.
 The only thing that I see that has changed is the morality of the people. Now you can say what you want about all of that as it relates to religious training but it is religious training that instills a sense of morality in people. We all know that we have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We all know about the golden rule as well. We know those things without anyone having to tell us! What we don't know, for a fact, is what happens to us if we violate those rules. That is what heaven and hell is all about, no matter what you call that. It is the same in all religious teachings, we obey the rules for a reward in the end. The reward has to be greater, more desirable, than whatever is being offered on this earth.
 It appears to me that has changed. The denial of that possibility is behind a great deal of this violence we are witnessing. The mental illness, I have thoughts on as well, but leave that for another discussion. If you start raising a generation to believe that this is all there is it shouldn't be a surprise that people will attempt to take it all. If this is it,  you have to do it now! If there is nothing more you can just go for it! And that is the attitude I'm seeing .Not only do I not have to be concerned with eternity, but punishment here on this earth is very slow to arrive as well. I can always get a second chance. They hand out Bibles in prison you know, there is a reason for that.
 Life is all about risk and reward. Every choice you make is a balance between the two. Is the potential reward worth the risk? We are guaranteed nothing in this world. We have those inalienable rights but there is no guarantee we can exercise them. That is dependent upon governments. But happiness, that thing we are in pursuit of, is controlled by ourselves. Only you can make you happy. Others can certainly influence you, provide you with comfort and emotional needs but they can't make you happy. And just where does the path to happiness lead us? For the Christian and many others of faith, it leads us to life everlasting. That is the reward. To those without a moral compass, for those without belief, there is no reward other than what life offers in the here and now. There is no " spirit. " What's the answer then? The material is overtaking the spiritual, the old bird in the hand mentality. We need to restore the balance. The risk needs to be greater than the reward. 

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Seeing hope

  My grandson Mark applied for and received an internship this summer. He will be working for the Caroline County States' attorney. I know that he is excited for this opportunity and so am I. He has expressed an interest in law and politics in general. This internship will definitely provide some insight into the workings of both. Mark is quite the observant young man and will be paying attention. He is also not afraid to state his opinions or views on a subject. Thing is, he is always well informed before he speaks. He has an excellent memory for facts and references. Last I knew he had most of the amendments committed to memory. It is a reflection of the times we live in. Mark does have conservative leanings but I wouldn't label him a strict conservative by any means. He does have some of that swagger of youth, he knows it all! I'm certain this experience will teach him a few lessons that will be hard to swallow. The way things should work and the way they do are often quite different. My hope is he doesn't become disillusioned with things. It will be an eye opener, I'm certain of that.
 It does make me proud to see him taking steps in the right direction. This will be a feather in his cap. He is aware of building a resume for the future. Mark has a level head and knows the importance of such. He is a member of the National Honor Society, an athlete and involved with the community. He serves with the teen court acting sometimes as Judge. It is my understanding all the teens take turns performing the various functions. This summer he will also be an assistant counselor at Church camp. He has attended this camp every year since he was old enough to go. He has been visiting various colleges and universities and planning for that. He is, of course, hoping for a scholarship of some type. I have no doubt that he will receive a few.
 I know it is only a part time position but it is a foot in the door. The importance of that can not be overlooked. Mark will not compromise however, he will stand his ground on matters of importance to him. He is a confident young man, not arrogant, just self confident. It is an exciting time watching him mature and grow. Sure you enjoy the grandkids when they are little, seeing their excitement at the littlest of things. The sheer joy of young children is a contagious thing. But, they don't stay young forever. I watched as my own children went out into the world, making their own paths. I struggled with that but took pride in their accomplishments. Now it is time for the grandchildren. Has it really been that long? Time has a way of sneaking by us all. It is satisfying to look back and admire a job well done. It is exciting to look forward and imagine the possibilities. With each succeeding generation making progress it gives us hope. With a grandson like Mark, I am confident in the future!
That's a great feeling.    

Monday, May 21, 2018

the season

We are headed toward Memorial day. For me that will always mean poppies and a parade. That is what happened on that day when I was a child. The boys from the VFW would be offering those poppies. I don't remember anyone ever complaining about that. Mom always gave them a dollar. That poppy was then displayed on your person somewhere. I think it was a signal that you had already purchased one and so wouldn't be asked again. People surely were more polite and subtle back in the day. We all went to the parade and saluted that flag as it passed in review. Along with Memorial Day observances came the arrival of the " season. " The season, of course, was when all the rich folks came on the weekends to spend their money. It was a time before their summer houses and cottages had heating systems, and so they waited until the warm weather to arrive.
 To those of us that lived there it was met with mixed reviews. It was a necessity but a big pain in the butt. They had the money and we needed that money. The season really did determine what kind of year you would have. During those summer months it was like living in an amusement park and you were just the hired hands. That was the feeling and the atmosphere. Keep the guests happy, keep them spending their money. Rules would be overlooked, exceptions made and smiles all around. Back then there were few that stayed for the weekend without owning a place of their own, or having a summer rental at least. There were a few hotels/motels around but generally speaking that wasn't the folks that had the real money, they were tolerated. Slowly a lower class of wealthy began to come for the weekends and the real wealthy stayed all week! I had left by the time that became the norm.
 I can't say what it must be like to live there today. It was the place of my birth and it is a place that holds a special spot in my memories. I think that has to be true of everyone, no matter where they were born. I'm certain the little neighborhoods must still exist. Surely there are pockets of resistance. I can say with certainty I was never overly receptive to those invaders. I realize, of course, that I wasn't dependent upon those invaders. I was dependent upon my parents. I expect had I remained those folks would have become very important to me. After all, money makes the world go round. And those folks are the well spring. Perhaps, had I stayed , I could have become a character in the park. I've heard of a few that make there living being just that these days. Just like a big amusement park you do need a few characters to stimulate trade, a little interaction with the money people. That began with the sport fisherman and it was the sport fisherman that basically ended a way of life for those same " characters. " Before that it was mostly just the artists that came to take in the beauty of the scenery and escape the summer heat of the city. Nothing like a cool ocean breeze and fresh salt air to do that.
 All of that is a memory now. Here in Greensboro there will be no parade, no poppies for sale. The VFW post closed its' doors a few years back, a lack on interest. People don't want to come to a parade celebrating the military. We don't have one for Veterans day either. There will be a little league parade however followed by the Lions club selling BBQ chicken. Or maybe it is the fire department, I get those confused. Now I'm not saying Greensboro is anti-military we are a small town, mostly agricultural and conservative. That is changing slowly. There is money to be made from passing tourists headed to the bigger playgrounds like Ocean City Maryland and Rehoboth Beach in Delaware. The main routes pass close by. All that is needed is an attraction. The housing developments have been cropping up, a sort of half way point between the money and the beaches. All that is missing is the entertainment. Farming is a slow, smelly process and so not many what to experience that. Goose hunting is in the fall and winter and is falling out of favor anyway. Greensboro is too far from the real water, like the bay or ocean. All we have is the choptank river and in Greensboro that ain't much.
 Well, I'll be sure to purchase a few small American flags and take them to the cemetery. I know a few vets in the Greensboro cemetery. That will be my ceremony. I don't really need a parade. Maybe I'll run across someone selling a poppy. If so, one will be purchased for sure. Memorial Day. Remember the purpose of that day and then, let the season begin. I've seen a few seasons and a few celebrations. In Greensboro it will be yard sale and farm stand season. That's the summer here, along with beach traffic.      

Sunday, May 20, 2018

belief is the vehicle

 When I was small I often heard sermons concerning victory. The victory of Christ, triumph over sin and beating the devil. I was told how imperfect and frail I was in this world. I needed a savior and salvation was at hand if I but believed. The only guarantee in life was the one given by Jesus, eternal life was granted to the faithful. I was taught it was the little everyday things that you did that gained  access to heaven. It was the next life that was the goal, not this one. I was here by the grace of God to do his will, without question.
 Without being aware I was being taught how to live life. Yes we are all Gods creatures, great and small, and we all have a purpose. We are not to question that purpose, just fulfill it. Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth. I heard that almost as a mantra. Humility was prized above all else. God is the master! That was contrasted with Onward Christian soldiers. There is a time to fight! A time for everything and everything in time.
 I was thinking about all of that this morning. I was thinking what has changed in the world that we find ourselves where we are. I was thinking it was this change in attitude toward our God and the teaching of those lessons. Many today preach of Gods promise to us, eternal life,  without preaching about the responsibilty that goes with that. All you have to do is ask forgiveness and it will be granted. We don't hear nearly as much about the judgment of God. I hear about sin, I hear about not committing it, but I don't hear much about the consequences. I hear beg forgiveness and it is granted. That is in line with what is being taught to our children in general. Setting aside the religious nature of the message,  many are being told they will get whatever they want just for the asking. The missing part is that promise of eternal life, a reward for doing what is right. The result being when they don't get what they want they just strike out against the world. They have no hope, no dreams beyond this material existence and the result is what you are seeing. With no path to victory they give up the fight!
 The overall message is different than when I was a child. I was taught that we each had a station in life. You were born into the world and it was your responsibilty to find your way. It was the choices you made that determined your path. God had given you free will to pick and choose, you and you alone are responsible for that. Be prepared. Do not assume you will be successful in everything you do. Do not lose sight of the goal. The goal is life everlasting! The big difference between what I was taught and what is being taught? I was taught that there was life everlasting and it could be good or bad! Eternal life in and of itself wasn't a guarantee of happiness and comfort. That was pretty much determined by those choices you made. God would judge you! If he just granted forgiveness every single time what was the point? That is the basis for faith. Without that, what is the point in any of this? Belief is the vehicle of change. Does death change anything? It does for those still living, but what about me? It could, and I had best be prepared. 

Saturday, May 19, 2018


 Once again the country is experiencing a collective frustration. That is what follows these tragic events. Everyone knows there is little that can be done. No matter the cries for gun control, resource officers at schools, security measures, alarm systems and any number of proposals, we all know there is little that can be done. It is a frustration!
 My frustration stems from the fact that I will hear a bunch of proposals that I believe to be nothing more than knee jerk reactions. The whole gun control thing. Why anyone with any intelligence at all would believe that passing legislation to restrict the right of sane people to own guns will prevent insane people from using them totally escapes me. Pass all the legislation you like, those guns are not going to disappear and crazy people will still get them! Insane people don't care about the law! Even if you could magically make every single gun on earth disappear, the crazy people will still find a way to kill other people!
 What has led us to this point? I don't have an answer for that and neither does anyone else. It isn't something that happened overnight. All the great minds of today can study the problem and offer their opinions. None of that matters. You can not change the past. Even if you could identify the cause what can be done today? That is the frustration. We all want to stop this from happening and we all know we can't. I am one that acknowledges that reality. I will not try to hide from it, deny it, or pretend that I can somehow alter the course. I would agree to take every precaution, to make our society as safe as possible.
 I have nothing to offer that is of any real value, just opinions. In my opinion when you raise generations of people that believe they are entitled, those same generations begin to expect those entitlements. When people are taught that they deserve, or should receive the same as everyone else regardless of any effort they expended, or didn't expend, you get this reaction. Why do people strike out? Anger is the answer. Yes it can lead to madness, any really strong emotion can do that. The question is where does this anger come from?
 In my opinion it comes from those that feel they are not being treated fairly. Why do they feel this way? They have been taught that. They have been taught that they should always be happy, always get the trophy, always get the prize. They should be placated and compensated for every wrong that ever befalls them. When that doesn't happen, the anger builds. And now, in more recent years they are being taught to be vigilantes! Yes, they call it protest, exercising my first amendment rights and all of that. Just strike out and make a statement! The greater the civil unrest you can generate the better! There is even the chance of fame!
  I'm not one to do something, just to do something. A lot of folks want to take that path to somehow feel they have accomplished something. That is what I believe a lot of these proposals amount too. There are just feel good measures to say, I did this. The thinking being, doing something, anything, even if it is wrong or ineffective, is better than doing nothing at all. I understand that completely but punishing others for actions they have not taken is inherently wrong! That makes you no better than the ones doing the wrong you are trying to prevent! It's the same mindset, striking out in anger and frustration.
 The bottom line for me is a simple one. You can not legislate human behavior. The law can only delineate what is acceptable and unacceptable in a society. The law that regulates human behavior we call religion. It is our religious practices that control our morality. As that practice diminishes in a society so too the moral fabric of that society deteriorates. What can be done about that? That's the frustration?  

Friday, May 18, 2018

social priority

 Although I pay little attention to such things I can't help but hear about this royal wedding. Harry and Meghan Markle, whoever she is. Harry I have heard about since his Mom was killed in that accident. I don't have a clue about that woman. Seems like somebody said she was divorced and that she is half black. I guess the politically correct term is mixed race. Whatever, I really don't care. I don't see what the big deal is. Rich folks spending ridiculous  amounts of money. Yeah, I know it's their money. From what I hear about 45 million dollars. All of that just goes to show me one thing, we have plenty of money to spend on entertainment! That fine socialized medicine that the British citizens enjoy couldn't afford to treat those babies, pull the plug on them was the order, but the royal wedding! We have plenty to spend on that! Well okay it isn't government money right? Yes, the parents of the bride are footing the bill, or is it Harry? Whatever, my point is when it comes to being entertained the public will pay up big time. After all, there is money to be made from this extravaganza of decadence! It's like a three ring circus.
 I don't have anything against the royals, couldn't care less about them in fact. What they do and who they marry is no concern of mine whatsoever. I wish them good luck and a long life. Bottom line is they are just people to me, no different than anyone else, just born into wealth. I honestly don't understand the fascination with them. But, then again I'm not much of a fan boy by any measure. I'm not just very impressed by wealth. I admire people of talent, musicians and such that entertain me, but I certainly don't fawn over them. I'm as equally certain they are not concerned with me or what I think.
 Well, I hope all goes well and nobody gets hurt. Enjoy the wedding. I heard that dress cost 340,000 dollars. That's a lot for something to be worn once. Is it a waste of money? Depends upon your priorities I suppose. I just can't imagine having that much to spend for a dress. I don't know, maybe give that socialized medicine a few more dollars to spend on saving children's lives but then again, it's a royal wedding so we have to establish priorities. You might call it a social priority!         

Thursday, May 17, 2018

My right?

 A girl in the sixth grade took a knee during the pledge of allegiance. She says she was inspired by none other than Colin Kapernick. When the teacher confronted her about it, apparently they have rules about this, she became upset and left the room. She didn't go to the guidance counselor or principal. Another teacher noticed how upset she was and tried to calm her down. She wasn't able to do that and her mother was called. The end result was the ACLU is now involved and a law suit is being filed. The contention being this child had her first amendment rights violated. The Supreme court has ruled that you do not lose your rights when you go to school or your place of work. This young lady was merely exercising her right to free speech! The child is right, the school administration is wrong. That is the message this child is receiving.
 Now I can agree with the supreme court when it said you do not surrender your rights when in school or at your place of employment. I would add you also don't surrender the consequences of exercising those rights! In this particular case I believe that is what is being taught to that child. She is being lead to believe that just because you have a right you can exercise that right with impunity. She is being indoctrinated into civil disobiendence! That's right, she is being indoctrinated to just protest, file legal challenges and demand reparations when she doesn't get her way. Instead of being taught to act responsibly, by that I mean following the rules, she is being told she can just do as she likes and everyone else must accept that choice. It's her right! As I said she has a right, a right to accept the consequences of her actions. She is not being taught that however. It is that I object too. Responsibilty must be taught as an integral part of rights. There is an error in thought here regarding rights. I submit the supreme court itself is getting confused as to what is a right!
 A right is something that is inherent, it is inalienable. As the document noted, the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Those are rights, they are not granted by anyone or any document. Rights are not legislated. We make laws to organize society and delineate what are moral and ethical behaviors within that society. Laws do not give you a right to do anything! Laws define an action as right or wrong. Without law all you have is anarchy. That being understood you can see how this child has a right to free speech but that speech does come with a responsibilty. The responsibilty being to exercise that right within the framework of the law. Our laws do provide a means of filing a complaint, acting to change that law, and a means of redress for a grievance. That child did none of those things, no, she choose to emulate a sports figure and take a knee. In doing so she acted in defiance of the law. Civil Disobedience! And it is being encouraged in the sixth grade!
 What is being misunderstood in all of this is the difference between a right and a law. Rights are inherent, they are not granted by anyone. Laws concern moral and ethical behaviors and are subject to change. Rights never change! Exercising those rights without repercussions within a society is the function of government. What rights do that government allow to be exercised freely? Here in the good old USA we enjoy much freedom in the exercising of our rights. That doesn't mean we can exercise that right whenever and wherever we please! The classic example being I can't holler fire in a crowded movie theater. The Supreme court affirmed that many years ago. The thinking being it creates an unsafe situation where people may get hurt. In other words, common sense dictates we shouldn't do that. And what, you say, has that to do with this little girl taking a knee in a classroom during the pledge of allegiance? By taking that knee she is also creating a disturbance by acting contrary to convention and good order and discipline. To put it simply, wrong time and place to lodge a protest! Her right to challenge that law ( rule, regulation or whatever you wish to call it ) was never denied. Truth is, she never asked to be exempted or filed any documents delineating her objections, but rather just " exercised " her right without any consideration to the rights of others. As a result she was confronted and it upset her. She should have anticipated that and been prepared. Oh, but she is just a child. Yes, a child that saw a sports figure do the same thing and be glorified in the press for it. Her take away obviously being, civil disobiendence makes you famous. And that thought process is now being reinforced!
 We should be teaching our children that they have rights and responsibilities. I'd suggest teaching them to be responsible first! Those rights will always be there ! No one can take your rights away. The government however can tell you what is right and wrong. What is acceptable and what is not! That is the function of law. Laws affirm the ability to exercise a right! That doesn't mean you can do that anywhere, at any time and for any reason you feel is appropriate! You must act responsibly within the framework of the law. Rights are inherent, the ability to exercise them is not! Understand the difference? Just as all men are created equal means we are all given the same opportunity, equal opportunity does not mean equal results! 

Wednesday, May 16, 2018


 I can't help but chuckle. I saw where Trump nominated a man for the CDC. I've never heard of this guy and know nothing about him. There was a meme on Facebook claiming he said, aids was a punishment from God for homosexuality. As to the validity of that claim I don't know. It is possible he said that. But that isn't what I was laughing about. I get laughing when all these folks get all up in arms and concerned about who is being appointed to these positions. I mean, be honest here, who is the current director of the CDC? Who was previous to him/her? Do you know? I'm betting you do not, neither do I. I would have to Google that information. I was chuckling remembering when Betsy Devos was nominated as the Secretary of Education and a lot of folks going crazy. Well, she was nominated by Trump , so. If Donald Trump nominated the Pope for leader of the Catholic church there would be an uproar! The truth is the majority of us common folks don't really know what secretary is what. Quick, who is the secretary of the Interior? How many in total are there? And why are they kept in a cabinet? I find it all very amusing at times. So many feigning such knowledge of government and the importance of each nomination. C'mon people just who are you foolin'? I'll be the first in line to admit I don't know all this stuff. Without reading resumes and biographies on these nominees I have little to no clue about them. Truth is, I really am not that concerned with them. One thing I'm not going to do is judge them based on a Facebook meme. And I don't care if the Russians did pay for that meme!
 Now the previous director of the CDC was Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald. She resigned when it was discovered that she had invested between 1 and 15 thousand dollars in a Japanese tobacco company. This company does hold interests in the United States. It was determined she couldn't divest herself of such interests in time and it was a conflict of interest. I can understand the thinking but hardly believe she would have prevented any advances in the treatment or cure for anything tobacco related. In fact, it is a safe business bet that people will continue to use tobacco products. When investing your money it is best to invest in a sure thing! That doesn't necessarily mean you personally support that thing. I don't use illegal drugs would invest in a drug treatment center if I had the money to do so. There are going to people using that stuff! Anyway, she resigned and President Trump has nominated this guy.
Mar 21, 2018 · Dr. Redfield, a Baltimore AIDS researcher and advocate for medication-assisted therapies to treat addiction, will take over the public health agency.
This from the NYT. Whereas I don't really care for the Times it is a bit more reliable than a Facebook meme. You can read what they had to say. I'll just leave that here.
I do think we all need to lighten up just a bit and admit to the truth. We aren't all that informed. I know I spend a good deal of time looking stuff up, particularity things that don't concern my daily life in a direct fashion. I mean, I don't know who the Sec of Agriculture is because, I'm not a farmer. If you want my opinion on who should be the Director of the Center for Disease Control should be, I would be at a complete loss to answer that question intelligently. I'm certain Trump is the same way and someone or a bunch of someones provide him with suggestions. Do you really believe that Trump, or any other Chief Executive for that matter, personally chooses all the nominees? Or could it be he chooses from a prepared list of candidates?