Friday, March 2, 2018

write it down

  I read somewhere that if you want to know what you believe, write. I have to agree. I've been writing these blogs and have learned what I believe. I have to admit it isn't always a comfortable experience. Fortunately I haven't discovered anything extreme. At least I'm no scrooge on Christmas Eve ! But, I'm still writing and still learning. And enlightenment comes in a flash, in an instant.
 Have I changed my thinking on some subjects ? Yes, I believe I have. No, that isn't exactly true, I have become more aware of what I believe, and gained an interest in some things I just took for granted. I have discovered there are reoccurring themes to my thoughts. Are those reoccurring themes growth ? I certainly hope that is the case and not that I'm just stuck.
 I think belief has little to do with fact. We can know the facts, but believe differently. If that were not the case we wouldn't change a thing. The challenge is we have to be careful about what we believe, what are facts, and what should be changed. Are there absolute truths ? Yes, I believe that there are. You can't change an absolute truth, but you can not believe it to be so. For me the strongest case in point for that is the issue of abortion. I believe it is an absolute fact that you should not kill an innocent child. I do not see that as a choice. Ever. It is wrong to put our needs above the needs of others. That is what I believe. In practice I fall short of that ideal, we all do, unless we are some kind of saint. I draw the line at killing another person to satisfy my wants. You could say I haven't set the bar very high, but that is the mark. I believe it is wrong ! More than that, I believe it to be an absolute truth. You can't change truth by belief. That is how it works.
 I believe in polite company. I'm thinking it is a concept that may be fading away. When interacting with those that are not close friends, acquaintances is the term, you should conduct yourself differently. I mean being a bit more formal in your manner of speech and opinions. One does not curse in polite company or in the presence of ladies. That's polite, a courtesy extended until you get to know the person and their beliefs. Courtesy in general has become rather lax in my opinion. Is it an absolute ? No, it is not. We progress in our relationships past the polite company phase. It is then we begin to exchange our beliefs and thoughts. It is also the time we either form a stronger bond or walk away.
 In modern jargon, we unfriend them. It is an action I do not take lightly. I have done that once on social media. I find it more of a courtesy to just remain silent. It is why I wrote, " Emotions are often great motivators but seldom good guides. " I have found that when our beliefs differ concerning the same facts, we just don't get along. Each person using fact to support belief. The trouble is in determining the absolute. For me there is black and white, right and wrong. Once having determined what I believe to be the case, it is what I cling to. I believe you really do have to decide, you can't sit on the proverbial fence. You also can't keep jumping over that fence every time someone challenges your belief.
 In regard to the observation that if you want to know what you believe, write, there is a part of me that hopes that isn't true. That part is in regard to what I'm reading other people write. If those folks are truly writing what they believe we are all in big trouble. From the naïve to the conspirators I read a lot of crazy stuff. From, if we ban guns no one will get shot anymore, to arm the teachers as a strike force, I'm reading a world of extremes. In fact I'm seeing a normalization of extremes ! Just look at some of the parades and protests currently active. Extreme, you better believe it. Grown mature women wearing vagina hats and screaming my body , my choice. A normal reaction ? Gay pride parades now expanded to LBGT&Q personalities ? Dressed in their " outfits " crawling on their hands and knees being lead on chains ? Normal behavior ? Being offended by a statue ? Nazi's parading in the streets and communists running for political office. What can these people believe ? Do they know what they believe ?
 Well, for me I'll just keep writing. I'll just keep saying what I believe. Sure I hope that others believe the same thing, don't we all ? There is some evidence that if you say the same thing long enough and hard enough some will believe. The challenge then becomes to turn that belief into fact. Thing is there are absolute facts that can't be changed, they must be learned. Strangely, they can't be taught. You just have to write them down.      

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