Friday, March 9, 2018

gettting better

 It does seem obvious, but the question to be answered is , what is the mutual goal ? I'm speaking of America. What, as a country , is our mutual goal ? Is the United States to be the stewards of the globe,  or should we just enjoy a peaceful co-existence with other nations ? Are we a nation or a collection of immigrants ? For me, if you are a citizen of this nation, you are not an immigrant. You were an immigrant, but you're not now. And if your ancestors came here generations ago, you never were an immigrant. It all seems fairly plain and obvious to me. Please note I am only speaking of those that arrived legally. I'm not talking about criminals. And please, don't start in with the Pilgrims came here illegally, just what sovereign nation did they invade ? What civilization did they impose their will upon ? The correct answer is none. On the North American continent there lived many small bands of people, each band independent of the other. Those folks gained and controlled their " lands " by conquest and continued aggression against the other bands. That's how it worked. The Pilgrims were nothing more than other " band " of folks that jumped into the fray. So, please spare me that lame scenario of the white man invading a foreign nation. Hey, the French and the Spanish did the same thing, it is just that the English dominated in the end. In fact, it was the English that formed the new nation. Eventually from sea to shining sea ! Remember that from grade school ?
 The obvious thing, as far as I am concerned, is that the nation ( government ) was formed as an organizational tool. The purpose of government was not to direct, but to restrain those that would do harm. Why we have a penal system, not a reward system. We were given the second amendment in the event that government attempted to take control of the people, in case the government started to do harm. What was the premise ? To live free of government intervention in our daily affairs. That was the dream. To live, work, build, and pursue your dreams unfettered from government control and restriction. Free from government demands of unreasonable taxes upon the people. That is what America was to be. The founding fathers knew a central government was necessary for this to function. They also knew the individual states should retain power as well. Just as a family requires a patriarch or matriarch to provide guidance, advice, and help when required, so too a nation requires these things. That doesn't mean the others always blindly follow that same advice, or guidance. In fact the object is to learn to survive on your own ! The object is not to live a life of dependence upon that patriarch or matriarch ! So, we should not be dependent upon the government either. Seems quite obvious to me. Government is a tool and it is up to us to use that tool. We the people, control the tool. 
 But back to the question I started with. What is the mutual goal here ? Is it to be independent or dependent ? Isn't that the left and the right ? You can't be independent by surrendering your rights ! I fail to see why certain members of our nation can not seem to grasp that simple concept. How can you be independent when the government is legislating the absence of morality ? And that is what the government is doing under the guise of " equality " and separation of church and state. What is at the core of every nation ? Belief, belief in an ideology. When the ideology changes, so will the nation. We are allowing our ideology to be contaminated and we are seeing the results. Just what is the mutual goal ? Until we all decide upon that, things aren't going to get any better.  

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