Thursday, March 22, 2018

accepting the truth

 We talk of time in decades and generations. A generation is generally considered to be two decades. I think it is about four decades before a generation really begins to take control of the politics. In our teens we begin to rebel, and in our twenties and thirties seek power and control.  When he was 24 Benjamin Franklin began publishing Poor Richards Almanac. It was a form of rebellion against traditional life in his day. It was, as you know, a best seller. It contained , among many other things, words of advice. Many off those sayings we repeat to this day not even aware that it was Franklin that first wrote them down. We assume he composed them, although he may have just written down what he heard from others, editing them a bit, to make them sound more Franklin. That Franklin was a man of intelligence, wit, and a keen observer of the world can not be denied. Scientist, statesman and inventor. Also a man not without his vices.
 In 1738 Franklin wrote " If you would not be forgotten, as soon as you are dead and rotten, either write things worth reading, or do things worth writing. " That was from Poor Richards Almanac. If Franklin were to write an almanac today an appropriate title would have to be The Poor Me Almanac. I say that because that is what I hear an awful lot of people saying. The general attitude is " poor me " I need help with everything. I can't eat, sleep, drink, or function in the world in general without help, counseling, financial aid and being somehow empowered ! It is not a result of any of my choices,  I am the victim. Poor Me. I was born with a disadvantage and life is such a struggle !
 Poor Richard was intended to provide helpful advice and guidance. It was to share insights to human behavior and provide useful information. It was intended to be something worth reading. It was also something that would hopefully inspire others to do something worth writing about. The Poor Me Almanac has only one purpose, to reinforce feelings you have about perceived injustices in the world. Really an extension of the concept of better living through chemistry and entitlement. If you can't take a drug to resolve the issue you are entitled to aid in some other form. The golden ticket is to make an entire string of bad choices and then " recover " from them. And by " recover " I mean admit that you did something wrong. You don't have to  actually take accountability for those actions or choices, just admit to them and be the victim ! Oh, Poor Me, I took drugs and became addicted. It is the fault of the prescribing physician or the drug manufacturer. Poor Me, I have been a victim. I have chosen a lifestyle in total contrast to the society in which I live, now I'm facing discrimination ! Poor Me, I just want to have my entire face tattooed, wear dreadlocks and sagging pants. Now I can't get a job, Poor Me. Poor Me, I didn't inherit millions of dollars, I have to work for my money, that's not fair. This person makes more money than I do, poor me. I was born a male but want to be female, poor me ! And it goes on and on, Poor Me.
 Franklin also wrote , " would you live with ease, do what you ought, not what you please. " I'd say that is the opposite of what we hear today. The problem being, it is common sense advice. It is a call for self accountability. Do what you ought. It does speak to ethics. It concerns virtue. Old Ben pointed out. " he is ill clothed, who is bare of virtue. "  Being virtuous requires no money, no fame, no advantage ! It does require an acceptance of truth, even when that truth is uncomfortable.   

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