Monday, August 14, 2017

Tell me that

 Let's all take a deep breath and think for just a moment. Just what is it we are fighting about ? Are we really fighting about monuments ? Are we really fighting about what injustice took place over 150 years ago ? Are we really fighting because sometimes life just isn't fair ? Yes there is a deep divide in America no doubt about that. What is it that will bridge that divide ? Can we stop fighting long enough to think about that ?
 I'm a man that will fight for what I believe in. I will fight for a cause. What I want to know right now is, what is the cause ? What is going to be accomplished ? Can anyone tell me that ? I don't think anyone can because there is no goal, no end result. You can not change the way people think by having a war ! All you can do in war is kill each other ! Oh sure, you can claim victory when your enemy no longer fights back. You can then stick your chest out and with a collective smugness say, I won. Yeah, and how long does victory last ? How long before the defeated rise up tp try again. This happens over and over again throughout history and it will continue. Are we seeing the brink of another civil war in America ? The last civil war wasn't about black and white either, that was just the fuel used to start the fire. That civil war was about commerce. Are we going to let that happen all over again ?  Have we learned nothing in 150 years ? Apparently many have not and refuse to face reality !  I hear the cries of we will fight for our cause, but no one is saying what that cause is ! Sounds familiar doesn't it, if one reads history. And if that war is fought all over again does anyone really believe that it would change anything at all ? I mean, do they really ?
 Am I to pick sides based on the color of my skin ? Is that going to be the qualification ? And not just the color of my skin but my ethnicity as well ? If that is to be the case I want to know why ? Why should I fight because I am white ? Why should I fight because I am black ? Why should I fight at all ? What is the objective here ? How and what do we " win ? " What is the measure of satisfaction that we require ? Is it money ? Is it land ? Is it possessions ? Just what is the measure ? Pride ? I'm proud of the color of my skin. I'm proud on my nationality. I'm proud of my ethnic background. I'm proud of what my ancestors accomplished. I'm so proud of all of that I am willing to just throw it all away ! Tell me, somebody tell me, what is the measure !!!
 What is the measure of a man ? That is the question here. In the end we always resort to the primitive don't we ? Who can beat up whom ! The alpha male is dominant , he is the leader of the pack for one reason  and one reason only. He can beat up everybody else. It doesn't require any rhyme or reason for that action, it is primal. He can also control the pack that follows him, strength in numbers. For a pack to split another must challenge that dominant male. The true fight remains the same, maintaining the integrity of the pack. We are all Americans, all of the same pack. Who is the leader of the pack ? The President of the United States is the answer to that question. And that answer doesn't change when the name of the President does. Abraham Lincoln was faced with a civil war and managed to keep the pack together. He was assassinated for his efforts. Was he popular ? Not at the time he wasn't, but he " won. " If he had lost, history would certainly have a different view of him.
 I'm not saying that Trump is a Lincoln. The point I am trying to make is this, We are all Americans, we are all members of the same pack. If we expend all our energy fighting among ourselves how are we going to defend ourselves against our real enemies ? Yes, it is a fight for survival. All fights are based on that premise, to survive and to dominate. And so I ask again, what is the goal ? How do we measure success or failure ? I don't care what " side " of the fight you are on the question remains the same, when you win, then what ? Tell me that.       

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