Sunday, August 6, 2017

between dreams and disappointment

 Life resides somewhere between dreams and disappointment. When we are children we are filled with dreams. For some those dreams are a constant and they go in pursuit. Yes there are those that achieve those childhood dreams. I do believe that is because they believed the dream. Sometimes the dream is their own, sometimes it is a dream that has been told to them. The first group doing what they want and the later group doing what was expected of them. I say that because you can be successful fulfilling others peoples dreams. That happens when you adopt their dream as your own. On the other end of all that is disappointment. It may be accompanied with success or failure, that isn't the measure. Happiness is the measure of a life lived. Happiness is an inalienable right, we can all agree on that. Just what is happiness though ?
 Is happiness money, comfort, and just doing whatever you like ? That would seem to be the blanket definition being applied today. But in our constitution we are guaranteed what ? The pursuit of happiness, not that we will be happy. Government can not deny us the pursuit of happiness. The government can certainly deprive us all of money, comfort and restrict our activities, that is easy enough to see. So then what is this quality of happiness that can not be withheld ? I would say it is our spirituality. That can not be denied to us. Happiness surely is contained within our spirit. It is our spirit that we struggle with in this world. That is true for people of conscience. Is it possible to live a life without conscience ? I would answer that by saying only if the society in which ones lives enables that. For it is society that gives us our moral compass. Regardless of any spiritual instruction we may receive, it is society that provides the compass.
 The American dream. Isn't that what we have been told and taught to pursue. Isn't that why millions of people from all over the world come to America ? In pursuit of the dream ! And just what is the American dream ? Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. There it is again, happiness. The original settlers came to America for what reason ? Religious freedom, to pursue their " spirituality " unencumbered by government. Isn't that what we were all told ? They came here to be happy ! The proverbial land of milk and honey. All you have to do is work hard and live a virtuous life ! Somewhere along the way the virtue part has been set aside. But you say just what is virtue ? Virtue is maintaining high moral standards. What defines our moral standard ? Spirituality defines that standard and in America it has traditionally been Christianity. Spirituality and Christianity are not one and the same, that is true. I am not saying that in order to have high moral standards or be virtuous you have to be a Christian. I am saying you have to have spirituality to obtain happiness.
 So then what is religion ? I think religion ( a religious order ) is nothing more than spirituality that we all agree upon. That is why it is called an order in the first place. It is ordered spirituality.
The problems arise when we manipulate the religion,  to conform to our wants. Spirituality fulfills a need, not a want. Man devises his own concept of what his God desires of him. It is in that creation that spirituality can be set aside or lost completely. What does God require ? Does God require anything at all ? I do think it is rather presumptuous of us to think that we can provide anything at all to God. After all, he created us, we didn't create him. So then it naturally follows that we need God. For that reason I say, religion or spirituality, whichever moniker you wish to apply, is a need. It is a requirement for a happy life. Man has attempted to manipulate social conscience in such a way as to guarantee happiness. We call that government. Man has attempted to manipulate religious practices to please our God, we call that piety.
 Somewhere between dreams and disappointment is where we live our lives. So where is happiness located ? Happiness is found in moments. Happiness is found in contentment. Contentment is when our needs are being met. Spirituality fulfills a need, not a want. When you learn that lesson that is when true happiness arrives not as a guest but as a resident. Happiness resides in the heart of man, always has. 

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