Sunday, August 27, 2017

soon enough

 The summer is winding down and the kids will be going back to school soon. This year my Morgan goes off to high school. Her brother will be taking his test for a drivers license on the 9th of September. That means he will be driving himself to school at least a few times this year ! Yes, you read that correctly, my grandson will be driving himself to school. How can that be ? It would seem that time once again has eluded me and slipped past the gate. On the bright side, all is progressing as it should and for that I am grateful. Even during these turbulent days since the election that have stretched into months, the majority of things have stayed the same. At least he isn't going to be driving a flying car to school ! That is one promise that hasn't come to fruition yet. I have seen a lot of other things arrive though. You know when I was a senior Texas Instruments began selling a pocket calculator and man I thought that was something. Just look what the kids can carry, in their pocket, to school these days. Simply mazing. I did take a certain satisfaction in buying the grandkids some school supplies this year. I bought the classics, #2 pencils, pens, and some notebooks, you know the composition type. I'm not certain how the kids felt about that but it gave me a warm feeling anyway. Nostalgic !  No backpacks this year and of course no lunch boxes ! I'm not certain when the lunch boxes went to the side, probably a few years ago.
 Of course the kids aren't nearly as excited to go back to school as in years past. The excitement and/or anxiety just isn't there anymore. Now it is, ho--hum. It is called adapting to life and we all do it. We try to maintain a certain level of excitement for our everyday lives but it is a difficult thing to do. I imagine even superstars get bored with their everyday activities. It would help to have unlimited resources to provide distractions. I can't see that lady that just won millions in the Powerball becoming bored anytime soon, know what I mean ? When you are that wealthy you can hire someone to have fun for you ! Yes, she is that rich. Seriously I do think it would be as simple as Forest Grump pointed out when he was telling that lady he was a " gazillionaire. " He said he had plenty of money and that was good, " one less thing " you know. Yes, that must certainly be a wonderful feeling not having to worry about your bills. One less thing for sure. We'll see what the school year brings, I'm certain there will be moments.
 With the beginning of another school year another chapter begins. Those " kids " are young adults now. I don't know ;  with the youngest one going to high school it just feels a little different this year. A Junior and a Freshman. The sister saying to her brother, you have to give me a ride to school changes the conversation a great deal. Yes, changes are on the way. I have always been told to embrace change but I'm thinking I would like to hold this off for just a while longer. Just a few weeks now till school opens. Maybe not even that. I'm not counting and the kids aren't either. It'll come soon enough is the attitude everyone here has. Have we all become that mature ? Must be that because I know I'm not that old. Surely those kids aren't that old. One thing I have learned over the years is, whatever comes your way will come of its' own volition. It will all come soon enough.        

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