I was watching the Waltons as I do most days. Even though I have seen almost every episode multiple times I still enjoy the program. I wouldn't call myself a Walton expert or anything like that, I just like the whole premise of the show. It really is an escape from the real world and that is what those shows were designed to be. To me they are presented almost as an ideal. When I was growing up we had a lot of shows like that. Lots of everyday heroes that lived a modest life. Morality and justice were the themes. Doing the right thing and getting rewarded for that. If you messed up you would be held to account !
In this episode one of the Walton boys was getting involved in a bunch of mischief. A neighbor boy got mixed up in all of that as well. Toward the end of the show the little boy that was a friend to the Walton boy was to receive a lickin' ! I just had to chuckle a bit as I heard that line. It took me back in time, to my own youth. How many times I heard that said I can't say with certainty, but I sure heard it a lot. If it wasn't directed at me it was directed at my brothers or sister. I asked my wife if that is what her parents said, she replied no, they got a beating ! I continued to laugh about all of that. That is part of the charm shows like that hold for me. I am reliving parts of my childhood as I watch. I wish my childhood was like the Waltons , it wasn't anywhere near close to that, but there were moments.
Looking back on those shows they did share a common theme. They were all about right and wrong. There was a moral to the story, and that moral was plain. We all knew that real life seldom, if ever, worked that way but it was fun to watch anyway. Who didn't want a Dad like Ward Cleaver or Lucas McCain ? Oh they would hand out a lickin' when it became necessary but they did exercise greater restraint than my Dad. Still, I knew I had it comin' when I did get those lickin's. It wasn't a sneak attack. I always got the chance to explain myself. Seldom was the explanation sufficient to ward off that lickin'. Doing something for a " good " reason wasn't excuse to do something bad ! The road to hell is paved with good intentions is a bit of wisdom I learned at a early age. I'm certain those shows had an impact on my thinking, I don't see how they couldn't have. Was it a more naïve time ? In certain ways I would have to say it was. There was much children didn't see or hear about. We were left to " discover " that stuff on our own. We would learn about that stuff when we needed to know it ! In a way you could say we were taught the " lesson " before we even had a chance to read the book ! Failure to " learn your lessons " could result in a lickin'. Then you would be taught that lesson all over again. Adults that got themselves into trouble had failed to learn their lessons !
I'm not certain what shows the kids watch today. From what little I know they really don't watch television shows like I did. I guess there are just too many other options. Music videos, movies on demand and the whole world of the internet to explore. I was told that television was ruining my generation, the boob tube was dumbing us all down and making us lazy. Now it is social media that is causing issues. I wonder what's next ?
It is a never ending thing, this concern for the generation following our own. I remember when television entertainment was meant to entertain everyone. Today we would say that it was being censured and that is exactly what it was. I don't think that was a bad thing. It sure made it more of a challenge to write and produce a good show that gathered a following. Now all we need to do is appeal to the more " base " side of folks to obtain viewership. Just look at the most popular shows and the evidence is staring you in the face. Not too many moral or ethical values on display in my estimation. Reality they call it ! Yes and I guess it some fashion that is the reality of the world. not my reality however. At least with those old shows their " reality " was a possibility to the average person. It was also something folks aspired too. I do think we try to emulate our " heroes. " Those heroes are whom ? Whoever is admired in popular culture. They are the role models aren't they ? I'd say so, and I'd say we are in real trouble. I'm thinking the whole country needs a lickin'.
In this episode one of the Walton boys was getting involved in a bunch of mischief. A neighbor boy got mixed up in all of that as well. Toward the end of the show the little boy that was a friend to the Walton boy was to receive a lickin' ! I just had to chuckle a bit as I heard that line. It took me back in time, to my own youth. How many times I heard that said I can't say with certainty, but I sure heard it a lot. If it wasn't directed at me it was directed at my brothers or sister. I asked my wife if that is what her parents said, she replied no, they got a beating ! I continued to laugh about all of that. That is part of the charm shows like that hold for me. I am reliving parts of my childhood as I watch. I wish my childhood was like the Waltons , it wasn't anywhere near close to that, but there were moments.
Looking back on those shows they did share a common theme. They were all about right and wrong. There was a moral to the story, and that moral was plain. We all knew that real life seldom, if ever, worked that way but it was fun to watch anyway. Who didn't want a Dad like Ward Cleaver or Lucas McCain ? Oh they would hand out a lickin' when it became necessary but they did exercise greater restraint than my Dad. Still, I knew I had it comin' when I did get those lickin's. It wasn't a sneak attack. I always got the chance to explain myself. Seldom was the explanation sufficient to ward off that lickin'. Doing something for a " good " reason wasn't excuse to do something bad ! The road to hell is paved with good intentions is a bit of wisdom I learned at a early age. I'm certain those shows had an impact on my thinking, I don't see how they couldn't have. Was it a more naïve time ? In certain ways I would have to say it was. There was much children didn't see or hear about. We were left to " discover " that stuff on our own. We would learn about that stuff when we needed to know it ! In a way you could say we were taught the " lesson " before we even had a chance to read the book ! Failure to " learn your lessons " could result in a lickin'. Then you would be taught that lesson all over again. Adults that got themselves into trouble had failed to learn their lessons !
I'm not certain what shows the kids watch today. From what little I know they really don't watch television shows like I did. I guess there are just too many other options. Music videos, movies on demand and the whole world of the internet to explore. I was told that television was ruining my generation, the boob tube was dumbing us all down and making us lazy. Now it is social media that is causing issues. I wonder what's next ?
It is a never ending thing, this concern for the generation following our own. I remember when television entertainment was meant to entertain everyone. Today we would say that it was being censured and that is exactly what it was. I don't think that was a bad thing. It sure made it more of a challenge to write and produce a good show that gathered a following. Now all we need to do is appeal to the more " base " side of folks to obtain viewership. Just look at the most popular shows and the evidence is staring you in the face. Not too many moral or ethical values on display in my estimation. Reality they call it ! Yes and I guess it some fashion that is the reality of the world. not my reality however. At least with those old shows their " reality " was a possibility to the average person. It was also something folks aspired too. I do think we try to emulate our " heroes. " Those heroes are whom ? Whoever is admired in popular culture. They are the role models aren't they ? I'd say so, and I'd say we are in real trouble. I'm thinking the whole country needs a lickin'.
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