Sunday, April 3, 2016

In the margins

 A question appeared on my Facebook page. It was do you think the Bible is being marginalized in society today. I have been thinking about that for a few days now. My thoughts keep drifting toward it. It does make me think about just what the Bible is to me. I do believe the Bible is many things to many people. Is it the word of God ? I think it as close as it gets, but the true word of God is written on our hearts. The Bible is a book of instruction. As with any instructions the purpose is to impart an understanding. The Bible is the complete guide to live our lives in concert with our fellow human beings.
 As to whether or not these instructions are being marginalized one would first have to define just what that means. The dictionary says it means to be insignificant or of peripheral value. I think the Bible is in some ways being used as a peripheral tool in certain situations. It should always be at the center of our thoughts. That in itself is nothing new. The Bible and the interpretation of those words have been used as a tool for centuries. The Church has used them as well as the common folks. They are, after all, to be studied. And with study our conclusions may change. That is how we gain that understanding. Is each verse to be taken independently of the other ? No, I don't believe they are. They are to be viewed in the context they were written.
 Yes there are those that choose to marginalize the Bible. They dismiss those instructions and reject the lessons contained within the book. This becomes more prevalent as the number of people actually studying the manuscript grow fewer in number. In the past more people sought knowledge from their Bibles. They read and tried to grasp the lessons. They did strive to understand, to gain that understanding. It is far easier to blindly follow a set of instructions than to understand the reasoning behind those same instruction. I can memorize the instructions and never understand the concepts. Without understanding, the instructions become marginalized.
 I do think that many people get lost in the lesson. They become convinced of the literal. It is not the literal that the Bible is concerned with. The Bible is concerned with the perpetual advancement of mankind. It is the everlasting word of God. The Bible teaches us that life does not end with death. The Bible is the instruction manual for life. Once we gain that understanding we are on our way. The entry to life everlasting is not the ability to quote scripture but rather understanding the instructions. Only in that fashion can you get it done.
 These are some of my initial thoughts. I am sure I will give it more thought. My ideas may change. Often it is the notes we place in the margins from which we gain the most knowledge.   

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