Thursday, September 26, 2024

where it begins

  There is much discussion about the rise in juvenile crime in the city of Baltimore. I can't speak about what is happening in other cities across this nation but maybe they are experiencing the same thing. These juveniles are engaged in car jacking, robbery, smash and grabs and shootings. They are being protected from prosecution by their age. They commit these crimes over and over again without punishment. They are being released to their parents. A big part of the discussion is centering around what can the state can do to "provide the services" these children need. It is briefly mentioned that they should be held accountable for their actions. But it isn't their fault is quickly pointed out, they should get services to correct their behavior. Those services amount to rewards, not punishment. Those obeying the laws, not committing the crimes however are not eligible for those "services." It's akin to being hired for another program in the city of Baltimore called Safe Streets. They are being called violence interrupters, their job is to stop street violence. To be hired you have to be an ex con. Yes, that's right, you have to have a criminal past, that is what gives you that street cred, the experience to qualify for the position. 
  The question is why are some many juveniles involved in these criminals activities? Some say it is because they are bored, they don't have anything else to do. The city should be building recreational centers, dirt bike courses, providing entertainment to the children. They should be given money and empowered to pursue their dreams. Others insist it is solely because of systemic racism in America. These juvenile criminals are predominately black and brown children. It isn't their fault! A few, very few in fact, are placing the blame on the parents. They are saying it is the responsibility of the parents to monitor what there children are doing. That is mostly met with a shrug from government officials. What are you going to do? Can't punish the parents because the kids will then suffer. No, the only answer is to satiate the children and meet whatever demands they make. They should be given services.
  I have my own theory, my own ideas about all of that. My thinking is when you teach children adult themes, treat them like an adult, they will act like adults. The problem then becomes you have juvenile adults! What was called "knowing better" back in my day. If I did something wrong that is what I was told, you know better! I was then punished for that behavior. I wasn't given anything but a punishment! Thing was, I did know better and chose to do whatever it was anyway. I had to earn my "freedom" by demonstrating that I could behave in society. Whenever I failed in that I was "grounded." You hear about that today, about being grounded in reality. I can assure you it was real, and I was grounded! I soon learned to obey the rules. Punishment was expected, indeed guaranteed, if I didn't. That learning curve was called gaining maturity. 
  It is true, it takes a village to raise a child. The problem is now the village! The village itself is being excused, coddled and given a pass. The village is being told, it isn't your fault, you need services. The truth is, the village has been made dependent upon the state. As a result the village has now become like a spoiled child, making demands, throwing a tantrum and being disobedient. The village then gets rewarded for those behaviors. The blame is passed to another agency. The city of Baltimore is now insisting the federal government needs to provide services. What they are calling for is a socialist state! The plan is to replace "leaders" with administrators. Those on the city council, the mayor, the chief of police, the states attorney's office, all of that just run by administrators doing as they are directed by a higher authority. Mom and Dad have been replaced, now the village is being replaced as well. It is the children that are being used to facilitate all of this.
  Ever hear of Hitlerjugend? Known to Americans as Hitler Youth. It was a program that began in 1926 that produced the majority of the fighters for the German military. The sole purpose of that group was to indoctrinate, educate and empower the youth of Germany. It worked like a snake charmer. The kids turned on their parents and neighbors. They were so well indoctrinated that they did fight, believing in their just cause. What are we teaching the children today? Many are simply being indoctrinated into believing they are entitled. They are above the law, above societal expectations and immune from punishment. They should be rewarded for everything they do. What ideology are they being taught? If you don't know read Karl Marx and you will soon see exactly what that is. Saul Alinsky is another you should read.    

                                                   This is where it begins 

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