Monday, September 9, 2024


  I read an article about a man that just can't find a job. That is what he says anyway, despite having an MBA. He claims to have applied to over 1500 employers. The article doesn't go in to a lot of detail regarding this MBA, exactly what courses of instruction he has completed. I did google that and a broad range of subjects was offered. One of the subjects is called emotional intelligence. Curious as to what that might be I googled some more. "Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to understand and manage your own emotions, as well as understand and influence the emotions of others." I thought isn't that what we learned in grade school? Seems to me the first lesson was in kindergarten. Sit still, be quiet and listen to the teacher. If you didn't you learned that she got upset! That would result in your emotions being influenced by her, usually with a paddle. The result being you learned to manage your emotions. There were even circumstances where you could influence hers. For most of us that lasted until we got to out teenage years when we began thinking, I know it all. That was called acting up and it did draw an emotional response once again. 
  I do find it amusing. I'm putting on my job application I passed a course in emotional intelligence but I don't understand why that didn't influence you to hire me. I'm thinking that guy needs to go back to class. Probably should start back at the elementary level. I mean you have a college education but can't manage to get a job? Strange, I don't have a degree of any sort and have always been able to find a job. Now it's true I never expected my employer to agree to my terms, I always agreed to theirs. I'm reading where I've been doing that all wrong all these years. I should have been making demands. 
  Well maybe I was lacking emotional intelligence but I had common sense. I always knew the employer was only hiring me when it was to their advantage to do so. I just had to convince them I had some skill or knowledge that they needed. My needs weren't quite as important to them. I had to manage my emotions in some interviews. I remember working for Lowe's home improvement store, in the electrical department. There did come a day when I didn't manage my emotions and quit. I had another job within a week. 
  The article I read was mostly about this guy complaining how much education he has and how much in debt he is. He was complaining that his degree was worthless. It was worthless because it hadn't given him everything that was promised by those selling the product. He has an MBA and should start, at a minimum, in upper management. A department head or something similar. With all his education he doesn't need experience, that's what college gets you. Actually working, starting in a lesser position is for the uneducated masses, not a man with an MBA. Yes, college was a waste of time. Now he can't even manage his emotional responses or influence anyone. Probably should have taken more classes in emotional intelligence. 
  I don't know it just amuses me. While I was in the Navy I had to attend classes in leadership. I always found them fun. The objective behind those courses was to get others to follow your orders. Yes, it was supposed to be psychology. Leadership by not threatening your subordinates. Well I discovered that will work with some, but everyone reacts a bit differently. I wasn't told about emotional intelligence back then. I did learn one thing however, most people are motivated by a promise of reward. Deterrence was accomplished by the removal of privilege, freedom of movement or the loss of money. Yes, that is what would happen if you didn't manage your emotional intelligence  to comply with the terms of employment. 
  The bottom line for me is I'd tell that guy to get a job. McDonalds is always hiring and they are looking for management candidates. In Maryland the average salary for a McDonalds manager is a bit over 50,000. That's almost 25 dollars an hour. That guy didn't say how much he was getting for not having a job but I'm thinking it isn't 50 grand a year. The Biden administration is claiming they are creating 100's of thousands of jobs every month. But he just can't get a job. I should pay his student loan for him because his degree is worthless. That's what he says. Well all I can tell you is I'm not buying anything that is worthless, no not paying for that. Perhaps it isn't that the degree is worthless, perhaps it is you. I wonder if you ever considered that. Maybe you need to manage and understand your own emotions before trying to influence others. 

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