Saturday, September 7, 2024

Making the sale

  Another moment in American political history. A judge has decided that trump will not be sentenced until after the general election. Now, I've read where a blogger is supposed to be an expert in whatever field they are writing about. I'll just say it right now, I'm no expert on anything except my own memories and opinions. Ironically, I have found they are both subject to change. But I will go out on a limb here and say never before has that happened. This judge said he would postpose sentencing to avoid any appearance of election interference. That leaves me with a question though. If Trump where to receive a jail sentence, as president, would he serve wearing an ankle bracelet? That's assuming he wins the general election of course. It's an interesting time in political history for this nation. Depending upon your personal view of things we have a felon running for president and there is nothing in the law that says he can't. Conversely there is no law saying you have to show identification to vote for him or anyone else. 
  The media has consistently referred to Trumps' legal issue as the "hush" money trial. What is actually involved was a non-disclosure agreement. But, as with many things these days the pundits change the terms to suit their narratives and agendas'. That's how we wound up with assault rifles and gender fluidity. Trumps' legal issues really involved the payments and taxes involved with that non-disclosure agreement. It is rarely mentioned that Stormy Daniels argued the non disclosure agreement wasn't valid because Trump never signed it. I have to question if he never signed it as she claims, how can he be held accountable for that agreement? Well, the truth is, he isn't. He is being blamed for the actions of his attorneys. But whatever the case is, it is a historic moment in American political history. It amounts to a "legal" assassination. His crime is in knowing what was going on. I'm not arguing whether he did or didn't know. I'm just saying it wasn't "hush" money, it was a non-disclosure agreement.
  Another moment in American political history would have to be the 12th amendment. Prior to that we voted for president and vice president individually. It has proven effective in eliminating most ties and deadlocks in those elections since. It was a big shift in philosophy. The founding fathers, those that wrote the original constitution expected the people to vote for the best qualified candidate for the office regardless of their political party. In short, they believed in integrity. Unfortunately that proved to be a bit of a mistake. Turned out people will vote based on a variety of other factors. As a result there were conflicts and deadlocks. It's really complicated. 
  An example of the president and vice president not on the same "page" would be Lincoln and his vice president Andrew Johnson. Lincoln was, of course, the first Republican president. It was called the National Union Party at that time however. As I said, I'm no expert on any of this. But after Lincoln was assassinated Andrew Johnson took office. He was a southern sympathizer, a member of the Democratic party. He immediately reversed a great deal of the orders Lincoln had issued. Most notably however was his rescinding of Special Field Order #15. It was that order by General Sherman that was to grant no more than forty acres of land to some freed slaves. This land was to come from those large plantations in the south. Johnson rescinded the order and returned those plantations to their original owners, the very people that had stared the rebellion in the first place! Imagine if Lincolns' vice president hadn't done that. Yes, a pivotal decision in American politics for certain. Oh, by the way, Johnson was eventually impeached! 
  Lots of political history being made. Consider Biden dropping out of the race. Harris becomes the democratic nominee without ever having participated in a primary election. We the people had no say in that nomination. The democratic party leadership just decided that for you. That's a first. Trump has been convicted of a felony whether you believe it is just or not. The fact remains, he has been convicted of a felony. He is still running for president. I don't believe that has ever happened before. No matter which side of the aisle you are standing on, this election will be a historic one. Historic for the first and historic for what is being lost as well. 
 The loss of election integrity is what I'm thinking about. How much faith do you place in that? Yes, it is a big loss and a disappointment. The presidential candidate can still select anyone they want to be their running mate. They can pick whoever they want without regard to political party. Things is, the party leadership has to approve that. They did that with Lincoln as a compromise. Slavery was the hot button issue and the republicans figured having Johnson on the ticket would help win the election. It worked like a charm and they won by a landslide. Then Lincoln was assassinated and Johnson took office. It has been considered but has never happened since. You just can't trust those opposite to you. Yes, it is disappointing when you can't count on people to act with "your" idea of integrity. The backstabbers. 
  I remember a song by the group the O'Jays with just that title. The backstabbers. 
"All the time they want to take your place
The back stabbers (back stabbers)(They smilin' in your face)All the time, they want to take your placeThe back stabbers (back stabbers)"  
Credit goes to the songwriters.  Gene McFadden / John Whitehead / Leon Huff

Well politics is a rough world. Biden was stabbed in the back, Trump is being stabbed in the back. But saddest of all is we the people, we are being stabbed in the back by a main stream media that is only concerned with sales, not with integrity. 
Consider this. In the majority of cases a convicted felon can not vote. A convicted felon however may run for the office of President. He just can't vote for himself. All that is necessary is for you to buy it. 

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