Thursday, September 12, 2024


  Peace begins with a whisper and a battle with a shout. Today all I hear is a lot of shouting. Emotions are running high. Emotions are great motivators but seldom a good guide. We need to bring those emotions into check and all just calm down. Just as with peace, truth is told in whispers as well. It is the only way we will hear them. When we are emotional, upset about whatever, we just don't listen. Many a black eye and broken heart was caused by that. But, it is also true that emotions make the sale, and don't be deceived, it is always about the sale. Someone is always wanting you to buy something. Yes, even charity comes at a cost. The only difference being who is paying the bill.
  It is easy enough to be generous with other people's money. I can easily tell you exactly what you should spend your money on. When it comes to handling other peoples' finances I'm a genius. I've discovered it is that way with everyone else as well. I'm thinking that maybe we should all just have our paychecks deposited into an account but it is then managed by your neighbor. You know, like your parents used to do, so much in savings, so much for necessities, and a tiny bit for entertainment purposes. You don't need that hundred dollar bicycle, the fifty dollar one will work just fine. How much is enough? All depends upon whose pocketbook the money is coming out of. 
  All of that comes from the stoic school of thought. The stoics believe that virtue alone is what makes for a good life. To put it in todays terms, a virtuous life is "quality time." To practice virtue is to achieve happiness. I agree with that philosophy knowing the feeling when I do act in that manner. It is enough. Unfortunately others don't see that all the time. That's the reason we have taken to flying our virtue flags. It is difficult, I understand that, to do good without being recognized. Psychologists will talk about being validated, how you need that validation or reassurance. We all want the reward there is no denying that. In short, doing what is right even when no one is looking. 
  Today we think of a person as being stoic as one that doesn't show their emotions. That isn't what the stoic school of thought is all about however. The stoic person realizes you can not control what happens around you and is guided by reason in responding. Stoics can be just as emotional as everyone else. The stoic does strive to keep those emotions in check, to react in a reasonable fashion. When others are shouting, stoics are considering the options. It is something that has to be developed and practiced over years. Just as you train for a sport or an occupation you must practice that. Drills are often used to develop a conditioned response to a situation. That conditioned response is a reasonable reaction. Don't panic, just put out the fire.
  I'm seeing a lot of emotional responses and shouting coming from government today. Reason isn't being applied to the problems, only the expenditure of funds in an attempt to quiet the noise. Like parents spoiling their child, just give them what they ask for and they will be quiet. Is there anything reasonable about the way the immigrant crisis is being handled? No, and it isn't an immigrant issue, it's a criminal issue, but no one want to hear that. Is there anything reasonable about a government borrowing billions of dollars to give it away to other nations? Is there anything reasonable about inflation and the cost of living? No, there is nothing reasonable about any of that. It is all being caused by emotional responses to pragmatic situations. It's enough to make a stoic person scream!    



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