Saturday, September 21, 2024

it's business

  In what is a surprising move the teamsters union had decided to not endorse a candidate. It's been a while since they haven't backed the Democratic nominee, 1996 to be exact. The reason is obvious enough, the democrats are really pro-union and always have been. Biden saved the teamsters union with them receiving billions of dollars to rescue their retirement plan. Biden even walked a picket line! Still, the union will not endorse anyone at all. The official statement is that they could reach no clear majority among their members. The reality is, it is an endorsement for Trump. It has to be a real blow to the democrats. I'm certain Trump is surprised as well, or maybe not. 
  It's an interesting twist in this campaign. First you had Biden just drop out. After proclaiming, I'm not going anywhere, he went there. Then you have the democratic party leadership declare Harris is the candidate. No primary election, no voting by the people, none of that. If you are a Democrat you were given no choice, you will just vote for Harris and like it! My thought is there are a number of Democrats that simply don't like that. The teamsters are the evidence of that. It begs the question, how many more feel the same way? How many votes will be drained off to a third party or to no party at all? I get it, if you have spent the last three plus years hating Trump there is no way you can vote for him. Your only options are to vote for that third party or not vote at all. 
  It's my feeling that we are finally reaching a point where reality is setting in. That reality is in the bottom of our pockets. Everyone is feeling the effects of inflation. People are starting to come to the realization that the "rich" people really can't just pay for everything. This idea of taxing the wealthy to pay for everything just won't work! That pipe dream is fading fast. They are also coming to realize that we can't just throw the doors open and absorb millions of people into our country without that affecting us. Border control really is a necessity. Charity is a personal thing, not a governmental program! We need to handle business first! That is what the teamsters are saying by their silence. They can't come right out and say Trump is our man without almost half of their members going into a meltdown. But they can't bring themselves to endorse Harris, really Harris wouldn't be running anything, like Biden but an extension of Obama. Those policies just aren't working, the evidence is clear enough.
  The pendulum of politics has started to swing the opposite way. Time to go back to a more conservative approach. All these liberal policies have caused a huge deficit and divided the nation. Many of the same issues that were present in 1861 are being felt today. There is a big difference in ideology between the republicans and democrats. Each party calling the other "radicals" and out of touch. 
  That was the feeling back then too. It was a struggle on morality and ethics but based in commerce. The reason for the conflict was financial concern. That is the reason for that conflict today. Yeah it would be great if everything were free, if everyone were inclusive, understanding and empowering of others. They're not. The time has come for Uncle Sam to say, no. Yeah I know, he's just mean. So was mommy and daddy when they said no. It's just business.     



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