Friday, September 27, 2024


  When I first began writing and posting these blogs, although technically they aren't blogs because they do not focus on any one area of expertise, I thought a few might read and enjoy them. As it turns out, I was right. A few do. According to Google analytics I have twenty four followers, a mini cult I suppose. I never really expected to have followers and that places an obligation on me. I wouldn't want to disappoint anyone. Yes, it is a portion of what the professionals call our ID. Back in the old days when I read newspapers the Wizard of ID was one of my favorite comic strip. 
  I have posted exactly 5026 times, not including this one. On those 5026 posts I have received 636 comments. Statistically speaking that is 12.6% of the time. However stats can be misleading. I have had 411,108 page views. Apparently the computer can keep track of how many times someone clicks on the "link" to my blog. So, if I use that number of views and calculate the frequency of getting a comment that number is .15%. Another way of saying that is one tenth of one percent. And so there you have it, proof that I do indeed have a few readers. I'm thinking the numbers may be higher but I'm appealing to the silent majority, hence so few comments. That sounds reasonable enough to me. It is enough to satisfy my ID. 
  So what is the ID? Well Freud says it is one of the three divisions in our personality. I googled Id and this is what comes up first, "The ego is tasked with balancing reality with the demands of desire (id) and morality (superego)." Each component adds its own unique contribution to personality, and the three interact in ways that have a powerful influence on an individual. Each element of personality emerges at different points in life." So I'm guessing I have a desire to post my thoughts and in turn satisfy my ego. I have to say those stats aren't helping a whole lot in that regard. Fortunately I also have that "superego" which is the morality part. Having too large an ego is morally wrong. That's why I believe in the "humble" practice of religious belief, but all of that is another discussion. 
 I haven't studied Freud or any other teachings in psychology. In my way of thinking it is all fun to talk about, interesting to explore, but not an exact science. Your guess is as good as mine. Some people are just nuts and that's all there is to it. My feeling is your bartender, your best friend and your pastor/priest will be as useful as that 200 dollar a hour therapy session. But, I get it, it is legally recognized. They are the experts. My thought is you do have to have a rather large ego to believe yourself qualified to analyze others. Yes that opinion of yourself would have to be quite high. but maybe it is simply self confidence.
  Now that cartoon strip the Wizard of ID was designed to make you laugh, that is the purpose of cartoons after all, but it also was to make you think. In the kingdom there was a "golden rule." This is what that golden rule was,  "The golden rule means that, in any given situation, the ones with more financial leverage possess the power to set the terms and exert authority over others. Prospero proudly chimes the rule because he realizes he has more wealth and influence than any of his friends." That from Google of course, as that explanation is a lot clearer than any I could offer, I take no credit for the composition. It is also a good explanation of the "kingdom" we are all living in. 
  That is what the cartoonists wanted you to think about. A good number of those comic strips take a bit of thought to "get the joke." Todays strip is as follows. "In reviewing the budget, sire I find you have allocated billions to defense and not one cent for the poor. The King responds, "Right." What's the explanation? The King again responds, "When the rebellion comes I'll be ready." All credit goes to the authors of that comic strip, I copied it word for word because I couldn't copy the cartoon itself. 
  I'm not saying I'm the Wizard of ID, that isn't the purpose of my blogging. But if Freud is to be believed, that is the inspiration. I'll have to give that some more thought as I don't know a lot about Freud. What I do know isn't very complimentary of him. I understand in some circles he is the man, and in others not so much. Well I've always been a do it yourselfer. I'll just analyze all of that myself, maybe engage in a little therapy session, although I seldom engage in that anymore, was a time when it was a regular things on a Friday night. We had a different name for that though, it was called BS. Strangely it came in degrees proportionate to amount of therapeutic medicine ingested. Had nothing to do with being a bachelor or science.    


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