Monday, September 30, 2024

That's ridiculous

  I often look at my "memories" page on Facebook, it is a feature I do enjoy. I'll get a laugh or a smile about something I was saying a year or more ago. There is a recurring theme. I'm taking that as a good thing, as being stable. Stability is important in an ever changing world. I'm becoming convinced of it, the rest of the world is losing their minds. I have seen lots of things come to fruition that I would never have believed possible. I'm not thinking about technology, I'm thinking about social things. There has been a big swing in sensibilities, that much can't be denied. In my estimation there has been a regression in that department. There are many in positions of power that talk like a man with a paper a**hole, as my father often pointed out to me. I didn't see it at the time, but he was correct. 
  In recent years we have taken to renaming everything to make whatever more palatable. Yeah, the intention is to get you to swallow that. Abortion has become healthcare, as one example. Trans has become a mainstream term to describe what exactly? No one knows and many are having difficulty defining what a woman is. But none of that has changed for me, I'm stable. Pronouns aren't a bit confusing to me, I thank my 9th grade English teacher, Miss Bird for that. We don't get new taxes, we get fees these days. It's not welfare anymore, it is social assistance, an entitlement. The cards being issued, at least here in Maryland, are called an independence cards. A bit of a misnomer wouldn't you say, as those folks are dependent upon that. Services is a term applied to almost everything as well. Break the law, commit a heinous act and you will receive services. We don't call that punishment anymore, it is services.
  This morning that was brought to the front of my thoughts as I browsed that memories page. I watched once again an old television commercial that I had remembered. This advertisement concerned Aunt Jemima syrup and pancakes. We all know that had to be changed in order to establish justice in the world. It is a part of those "reparations" that we all should be paying for that what ended 159 years ago. I listened once again and was struck by a statement a little girl makes at the very end of that advertisement. She really hit the proverbial nail on the head! That may have been the last moment of truth in advertising. 


   Lots of things today are just ridiculous. During covid churches were closed but not Casinos.
I need to provide numerous documents to obtain my real ID. Don't need a real ID to vote though. 
I can illegally enter the country and receive "services. " If I was born here, a citizen of this nation, I need to produce numerous documents once again before receiving anything. Currently Kamala Harris, presidential nominee, advocates for sex change operations for those in federal prisons. Now, that is ridiculous.  

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