Sunday, September 1, 2024


  "The quality of government can be judged by the extent to which morality pervades politics. If the politicians tend to observe morals, they constitute a healthy and sound society. If they disregard morals and tend to be short sighted and self-serving they constitute an unhealthy society, which will collapse upon itself." I wrote those words back in 2016 and thought they were worth repeating. I'm seeing our politicians disregarding the moral responses every more frequently. The last few presidential campaigns should make that glaringly evident to anyone paying attention. Have those campaigns been conducted with any degree of civility and morality in mind? I have to say, no. My politics are no secret to anyone that reads these postings of mine, and I place blame on all sides equally in this assessment. 
 Without going into a lengthy discussion and listing of all the wrongdoings I believe we can all see the lack of moral judgement. Our politicians, those we have elected as our representatives, those that have been appointed and even those we simply hired have demonstrated a lack of morality. Oh, many will speak about and show great concern for ethics, but ethics isn't morality. Ethics are being used as a weapon instead of a moral guide. Morality should be focused upon what is best for the whole, not the individual.  It needs to be understood that the United States of America and her CITIZENS are that whole. The first amendment did create a separation between church and state. It did not intend to separate morality from government! Indeed, the objective was just the opposite of that, it was a method to establish a moral code for the nation. What scholars will call moral agency. 
  Ultimately, we all make our choices based on our own moral judgement. We pick between what we feel is right and wrong. Yes, that's the bottom line whether anyone cares to admit to that or not. Many like to hedge their bets by saying things like, the majority wins. The implication being I may or may not agree but I'll just go long, it being the democratic thing to do. Yeah, ok. I have to submit to civil law, that is true, but I don't have to agree with it. I do that because it is what is best for the whole. You can't have a nation without laws. 
  As with every nation that has ever existed on this planet we are going into a moral decline. That moral decline will eventually cause the demise of the nation. Those founding fathers knew that and this republic is their attempt to avoid all of that. Read the documents for yourself, read the federalist papers to understand what their thoughts were. Yes, the founding fathers were taking the moral high ground. Everyone that genuinely believes in their cause takes the moral high ground. The only way to fight that is by convincing others your "moral" grounds are higher than theirs. What are you hearing today? The superior moral high ground is in supporting the immorality of others! Do not exercise judgement in these matters. A truly moral person will never judge another. It is the exclusion of morality that will cause the fall. 

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