Tuesday, September 10, 2024

that old

  I enjoy posting those "I'm so old" observations. I'm certain you have seen them. Last night I was listening to the radio when this PSA came on; "only you can prevent wildfire's" and I immediately thought, I'm old enough to remember when Smokey said, "only you can prevent forest fires." It turns out you don't have to be that old however, that was changed in 2001. I guess I haven't been paying attention. I did look up the explanation for that and it was to clarify that fires don't just occur in forests. Wildfires can happen in other places as well and Smokey doesn't want that to happen. There are natural areas that aren't forests. Well, I'm glad Smokey figured that out. I'm not old enough to remember his original catch phrase, "Smokey says care will prevent 9 out of 10 Forest fires." That was changed in 1947.
 I know it is just a slogan and all of that, the times change and phrases along with it. Slang is what we usually are aware of. It does seem that beginning with the new millennia a lot of nomenclature is being revised. Strangely however is that we now have a problem defining what a man and a woman are. The whole sex and gender thing. But the incidence of more detailed descriptions and explanations to make absolutely sure others know what we are talking about is getting out of hand. Consider something as basic as, caution contents may be hot, they may cause burns. You are being warned that it may be hot, it might not be, but if it is hot, that could burn you. 
 A big concern today is the use of pronouns. I'm not supposed to use a pronoun based on my own observation, I have to ask what pronoun you prefer. Some folks have taken to wearing a "tag" to inform others so as not to get their feelings hurt. I remember when others were wearing safety pins as well. That was a signal to those in the know. I viewed it as a sort of secret handshake. Also women's health care has taken on a new meaning. That includes terminating a pregnancy upon demand. It is called choice. The father doesn't get a choice though, he just has no say in that. Well, unless the baby is born then he is responsible for the next 18 years or so. No choice about that either.
  I'm just amused by all of this. Consider Smokey. He's a bear. Bears live in the woods (forests) and he warns that only you can prevent forest fires. What is that bear saying? There are natural causes for a forest fire, like lightening, but you can prevent a fire by being careful. Now I guess Smokey has moved to other natural areas and is worried you will set them on fire. Well, he does have reason to think that way. I'm old enough to remember when an application was something you filled out for a job. Today there is an app for that! An app to fill out the app. I'm old enough to remember when kids were more afraid of their parents than they were the police. Remember when we were taught that the Police were our friends? Yes, we were told to go to them anytime we needed help. Yeah, I'm that old. 


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