Sunday, April 14, 2024

In time

  While scrolling through my Facebook feed, I saw a comment concerning God. I believe the comments were in response to a meme. I guess I should start taking Prevergen to improve my memory, but I keep forgetting to buy it. Anyway, this meme says something to the effect of when you get old and begin to reflect upon your own mortality you realize that it is in Gods' hands. A comment was left saying, which one. Was that intended as a barb to others' comments or a genuine question? It did come across as a bit sarcastic and somewhat demeaning. The answer is of course quite subjective and open to different interpretations. In this modern world the general consensus is there is only one God, if there is any god at all. The fact and the belief, depending.
 It is my belief that there is indeed but one God, the creator of heaven and earth and indeed the entire cosmos. With my limited knowledge and understanding it only makes sense. All of this had to start somewhere and somehow. I just can't believe it was all a cosmic accident, a by change situation. Too much order in the chaos for it to be otherwise. That is a topic I have written about several times and will most likely write about again. So that much being established and presented with the question, which one, I can only respond, there is only one. What the person is really asking is, in what manner do you practice that belief? That is the source of friction between those that accept that God exists, what Gods' requirements of us are. It is what we call dogma. That is what was being asked, what is the dogma of your religious practices? 
 Did the ancients with their multiple gods and goddesses really believe any different? Was their concept the Gods were an alien race that created us? That could be debated but modern scholars say that isn't true and a much simpler answer is provided. The Gods simply reflect the many emotions and abilities of people. Some were stronger, some were wiser, and others were troublemakers. The Gods could help or hurt. The belief remained however that the Gods could influence the actions of man. Did they help directly? No, they didn't directly intervene in the affairs of men just provided guidance and inspiration. Their idea of heaven and hell were a bit different than what we believe today but still bears a remarkable resemblance. Their dogma was really not much different than what is practiced today. It is always an attempt to please God(s) and gain favor. No one wants to incur the wrath of any God(s). 
 Of course there are those that profess no such belief at all. These folks dismiss the possibility of a God altogether. The reason for doing so I can't say, it would all be speculation on my part. I don't believe it is a function of intelligence, as it is a concept, an idea and a belief that can never be proven or disproven through intellectual means. That is the nature of belief. 
 The search for the truth must, of necessity, take many roads. I do believe in the end the truth will be revealed. Will those without belief be punished? That is a complex question. It's true that Christian dogma teaches that only through Jesus can you reach heaven. You must have faith! But it is also what I would say if I were trying to get you to follow me and we should remember that the dogma of a religion is written by man. Is it written through divine inspiration? Did the Saints and Scribes really hear the words from God? All that could be debated endlessly but it comes down to one thing, belief. You can certainly believe in God without following the dogma of any established religion. I don't believe any of that is a prerequisite. I believe in judgement. God will judge you and that's that. That is the consequence of mortality. 
 The only question remaining for me is what are the possible judgements? Heaven or Hell? Good and Bad? As with most everything it becomes down to a binary thing. It's either one way or the other. There is no escaping that reality. Will we be aware of that judgement? That is central to belief. I believe that we will be very much aware of that. I believe that based on a scientific fact. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. All man can do is transform energy from one state to another. The moment may be brief, but I do believe I will be aware of that transformation. But time is eternal and therefore the measurement of that time is also quite subjective. We don't understand time at all. Time is just a belief. Still, I believe I will know the answer, in time.    

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