Thursday, April 18, 2024

get real

  I'm wondering if AI is interfering in my Facebook feeds and posts. There appears to be a good deal of strange happenings on there. Now I don't feel like I am anyone that would draw the attention of anyone significant. I realize I'm not that important or influential in any way. I am just one voice in the wilderness, to coin a phrase. I'm not a prophet though, no John the Baptist by any means, but just an elder statesman. Or a cranky old man depending upon your view. But that's the thing, AI wouldn't know the difference at all. My concern is just who is programming the AI? 
 As with all technology it can be used for good or bad. All technology is a tool. It is the method in which the tool is used that determines whether it had a positive or negative effect. Works that way with everything. We hear a lot about gun violence, how guns are killing people. We all know that isn't the case, it is people that are killing people using the gun as a tool to accomplish that. It's the same logic as, Big Mac's make me fat. Yes, when you eat Big Mac's you are consuming a good number of calories. The Big Mac just sitting there does nothing. 
 Not that long ago AI was placing me and many others in Facebook jail. That seems to have been modified just a bit, the tool tweaked. A coincidence that it happened after the majority of the people were vaxxed and/or at least complied and stayed silent about any doubts they may have had? It would appear that the "community" standards have changed. What aren't we supposed to talk about now? Whatever it is I haven't been warned about it, yet. Still, I have noticed some comments seem to be appearing in places where I didn't place them. They are being moved about, lower in the feed and sometimes on a different day. I don't always get those notifications when someone leaves a comment anymore either.
 I have heard that the government may be monitoring our social media accounts for various reasons. I really don't care if they are or not. If that helps prevent any terrorist attacks or removes some dangerous folks from society, I'm cool with that. I have nothing to hide and if I did, I wouldn't be stupid enough to post it on Facebook. Anyone that thinks anything they post on social media is in any way private or protected is an idiot! If the hackers haven't convinced you of that by now, you are really quite dense. Perhaps that AI is a tool of the government. If that is the case it needs to be tweaked a bit more. Well, it is a developing technology isn't it.
 In a way it is nice to think that someone is paying attention to what I post, what I say or think. It's kind of flattering. Makes me feel like I might be a little bit dangerous to the powers that be, making them uncomfortable. Thing is that the truth is usually uncomfortable until we accept it. That's the big issue with a lot of these liberal folks, accepting a simple truth. Truths like, I don't care how you feel, there are only two genders. Another truth is, not everyone will like you, accept you and include you. And guess what? There are people smarter, better looking and richer than you. Yes, some folks have it like that! Get over it and quit crying. Will anything, I ever write or say change anything?
 Most likely not, and I accept that truth, seems the only one I'm fooling is AI, and that isn't real. That's the truth of the matter. Artificial Intelligence isn't very smart at all, it all based on the opinion of the programmer. If you have any doubts just Google it. You will get the "correct" answer as determined by the programmer. I use that service frequently and have come to understand that. An awful lot depends upon the question being asked. Occasionally I get a message saying they won't even discuss that anymore, ask a different question. Yes, I have made AI uncomfortable with my questions. Pretty funny stuff. That AI sure hates it when you want to get real.   

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