Thursday, April 4, 2024


 There was a small piece on the news about language and our choice of words. More specifically the meanings of the words we choose. This lady was a professor of language and had written a thesis on just that. She had a fancy title for that, some descriptive thing about societal perceptions and phycological inferences or implications. I agreed with what she was saying, as I have often said exactly the same thing just not in fancy talk. Many have taken to redefining what a word means to suit their agendas. Words like choice as an example. Choice now can be used as justification for just about anything, including murder. It's my choice. But that only applies to females. Males don't have that choice. Another example is this "trans" stuff. What does that mean? It means you are one thing believing you are another. I'm being told that is fine as long as you say you are trans.
 We are also big on the drama these days. What with all the sacrifices being made every day by just about everyone. If you are a firefighter, Emt, police officer, in the military, a doctor, a lawyer or an Indian chief you are making a sacrifice! Everyone is making a sacrifice! We are all doing so on our journeys. And yes, being alive is a journey. We don't know where we are going, but we will make a sacrifice to get there. Along the way we will empathize with everyone else on their journeys, empowering them to live their best life. We should all be living our best life, anything less is unacceptable. And no one should ever judge another person in their actions or thoughts. Who are you to say? Only the government can do that. That's why I have to wear a seatbelt when driving a car, and a helmet when riding my bicycle, because the government has judged going without either one is just too dangerous. I don't get a choice about that! 
 If one were to listen closely to the narrative today, we are all pretty helpless. We live in a world fraught with dangers of all types. Fortunately, everything comes with a warning label and usually a disclaimer of some type. We can't say we haven't been warned. And our mental health, well, we all suffer don't we? Not everyone agrees with us, how upsetting is that? Some even say so, out loud. Very upsetting. We just can't make it on our own, we need help. If you are not admitting that you need help, you need help. That's how we can tell. You know you have been marginalized, ignored and mistreated. You know who have been treated unfairly. You know you have denied the entitlements you deserve. You deserve everything everyone else has regardless of your education, occupation or indeed, if you work at all. You deserve it all! 
 The climate is changing and is going to kill us all. But that is the least of our worries. You had better be getting those vaccines! It's the viruses that are going to wipe out all of humanity. You had better get protected and get protected asap! Guns have become violent in the last decade or so and have been assaulting people. Any wonder we have mental health issues? It's all pretty overwhelming. And now I'm being told to not stare at the sun because I could go blind! The eclipse is going to get me, I had better shelter in place unless I purchased ISO certified eclipse glasses. With those I could view the suns' Corona. Well, if it isn't corona beer or the corona virus, the suns corona will blind me. I need help, protection and government guidance. How can I be expected to live my best life without that?   

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