Thursday, April 11, 2024

a fact

  Defending your opinion and defending the facts. There are those that can't seem to differentiate between the two. That is what leads to all the squabbling and hard feelings among people. I make an honest attempt to make known my opinion. Facts aren't a matter of opinion. It does get contentious when the other individual refuses to accept a fact for what it is, a fact. Often, I will hear some explanation concerning the degree of fact, as though that were a thing. Facts are binary things, just like human beings. They are either true or false. Take abortion as an example. The purpose of an abortion is to terminate a life. The reason for doing so has no bearing on that result. If the procedure isn't performed what is the expected result? A baby will be born, either male or female. So, the fact remains, the purpose of an abortion is to terminate a life. It's simply what it does. Stating a reason for doing so doesn't change that. 
 Most Americans would agree, indeed most of the world population would agree, that we all have a right to life. It's written in the 14th amendment. "No state shall deprive any person of life, liberty or property, without due process of law" It's true that nowhere in the constitution does it say, "right to life" but that amendment certainly implies it. If a person is pregnant that indicates a life has been created within the womb. That's what being pregnant is. The manner in which that event took place also doesn't change the outcome, a child will result. 
 And that is where opinion enters the picture. In my opinion there are circumstances that would indeed justify the use of that procedure. To save a life. That is what that procedure should be used for, saving a life not taking a life. The loss of life is the unfortunate side-effect of the procedure, not much different from side-effects due to medications. In my opinion that procedure should never be on-demand, simply because. Setting aside all religious belief, it is wrong to kill another human being without that person receiving due process. Yes, in my opinion the death penalty is a viable option for those that commit crimes where other lives are taken.
 So, we are left with defining what is a life. We all agree on what life is and we all agree what death is. It has been defined, delineated and accepted since the beginning of time. You are either alive or dead, a binary function. That leaves us defining the state of living. That is to say, how do you feel about your life? Is your life more valuable than someone else's? Our first instinct is to defend ourselves. Yes, we do think our life is more valuable. We may choose to put our life in jeopardy in defense of others, we may choose to risk our life in many ways and then we portray that as a noble sentiment.
 Is terminating a life for the preservation of our own an acceptable response. Terminating a life is denying that person a life! Is there a set time period when a life should be protected? If that is the case shouldn't there then be a set end point as well? I mean, hey you are sick, going to cost a lot of money to treat you, I wasn't planning on this, and it will disrupt my life. Shouldn't I have a right to terminate you? Those are some of the reasons you choose to terminate a pregnancy, a life. What's the difference? And yes, there are those that put a name on that as well, calling it euthanasia. Others call it assisted suicide. We have established hotlines and are questioned about our mental well-being at every visit to the doctors office. Do you feel like killing yourself? That's terrible, that's wrong and we will do everything in our power to prevent that, well unless we help you do it that is, then it's fine. That's the logic there isn't it? You can't choose that by yourself you have to have someone agree with you, help you, in order for it to be an honorable choice. But that shouldn't apply if you are pregnant right, your choice alone. Just terminate on demand. 
 All of that is a matter of opinion. I state the facts as I believe them to be. My opinion was formed based on those facts. I understand that you may have a different opinion, sometimes derived from the same facts, but that doesn't change the facts. Once the egg has been fertilized, life has begun. A fact. Females have the eggs and when they are not fertilized no child results. When the egg (s) are fertilized we say, she is with child. That's because a life has been created. That's a fact and that's why some want to abort, to terminate, because they don't want that life to continue. And that is also simply a fact. You can provide a different opinion on that, but it won't change that fact no matter how uncomfortable that fact may be. In my opinion that fact should bother you! It has nothing to do with religious belief, it has to do with human nature. Life should be preserved whenever possible. 
 There are circumstances where life is taken, and we always have regrets, at least that is what we will say. Strange how so many can say having an abortion, terminating that life, is just fine an option, just a simple choice, no problem and should be funded by the government, "enshrined" in our constitution. Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness that comes with a disclaimer. You may be aborted at any time, for any reason. My body, my choice, your life. 

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