Monday, April 15, 2024


  I'm old enough to remember when the admonishment was, keep a civil tongue in your head. Today I'm reading studies that claim the more foul language you use the more intelligent you are. This study, of course, was written and published by scholars that I'm certain use such language frequently. I do find it disturbing that this sort of language has become so prevalent in our society. To me it shows a lack of respect for others, and a loss of civility. Have we really lowered the bar that much? Yeah, I know I'm just an old person with old fashioned ways, I'm not cool. 
 Now that sort of language is aggressive by nature. It is meant to imply a sense of authority or brute force. It conveys a sense of anger or agitation. You really mean it when you add in a few choice expletives, even when they are adjectives or nouns! It's especially effective when you tell someone to engage in a sexual act with themselves. Yes, that certainly makes a lot of sense, doesn't it? None of that adds anything to the conversation it just contributes to the drama. You must be a very tough person if you use that sort of language. But now I'm reading I should be thinking, wow you must be super intelligent to use those words in a sentence, and to use them frequently.
 It's interesting to note that the majority of these studies make the claim that swearing, cursing or whatever term you wish to use is beneficial to the speaker. That is the positive part about all that, if there is a positive. But the studies show people who swear often feel better about themselves. The studies don't mention how the ones being sworn at or others around the person swearing feel. That doesn't enter the equation, only how the speaker feels. So, the analysis is, if it makes you feel good, just do it. The "hell" with everyone else! See how smart I am? Swearing is good for my mental health and may have health benefits by lowering my blood pressure and relieving stress. 
 Still, us old people were taught a little bit different. We were taught there was a time and place for everything. There is that situation where you are in what I call "polite company." The name implies the sort of dialogue you should have, polite, courteous and respectful of others. One does not use foul or offensive language in polite company. There are situations and places where such language is acceptable and expected. There are even moments when in polite company the judicious use may be necessary to attract attention, to prevent harm. 
 When I was in the Navy such vocabulary was a part of the society. Mostly young men putting their alpha sides on full display. The testosterone raging. The message was clear, I'm a tough guy. Even in that situation however there were times when you refrained from using such language, especially when addressing your superiors. To curse like a sailor. It means far more than just using profane or vulgar language, it means to be creative in its' usage. That creativity is certainly lacking in the public sector. I'd say the cursing is more by rote these days. In the service I'd suggest that cursing is used a means of self defense, self-preservation and retaining ones' mental wellbeing. Has our society become such a place that it requires the use of such language? That's something for a sociologist to study! 
 Now I could write an entire dissertation on this subject. I could provide sources and all manner of surveys and polls. The thing is it wouldn't be reviewed as I don't belong to the club. I do not hold any degrees beyond a high school diploma. Therefore, anything I write would be inconsequential in the academic world. My thesis would be summarily rejected as something "put forth" from an uneducated person. That's what the diplomas are for, to prove how intelligent you are and now apparently, how frequently you cuss. You see the thing about a thesis is you have to have first studied every other thesis on the subject. Your thesis has to be original. The truth is, there isn't much you can say that someone hasn't already said. I'm quite aware of that. You just have to figure out a way to say it in a way that others haven't heard before. You have to be creative. I wonder if I submitted a thesis which included a vulgar expletive before every point I'm making if that would be effective. It's a sign of intelligence, or so I've read. An advanced civilization. "F,ing" right  

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