Monday, April 10, 2023

the way it is, I think

  Perhaps I need to clear things up a bit. There does seem to be some confusion. When I post something on social media or write it in these blogs of mine, I'm writing what I think, not necessarily what you want to hear. I do not consider whether anyone else will like or agree with what I think, I just write it down. As a result, there are misunderstandings. Now it's true that I don't always say what I'm thinking, don't always write that down but that is usually because I don't want to incite others either. I will think about whatever it is and try to find a way to express that thought without causing a ruckus. There is enough drama in the world without me adding to it. As I have mentioned in the past I did grow up in a rather stoic household. Those New England roots run deep. I do hold a rather stoic view of the world I'm aware of that. It was something that was taught back in my day I suppose before we all got empathetic and "in touch with our feelings." I was taught to accept reality for what it was, the reality. It was nice to think about how things could be, to dream big dreams, but dealing with reality should always come first. Makes some folks mad, I know, but that is what is necessary. I learned history for what it was, not for what I wish it had been. Even Walter Cronkite agreed with that when he signed off the air with his famous catchphrase, "and that's the way it is." 
 In my own way I am just writing down the way it is in my world. Each of us live in our own little world there is no denying that. Some of us fit into the larger world seamlessly and others struggle mightily to fit in. That is sometimes described as mental health. In the past if you didn't fit into the big picture your mental health came into question. You could be labeled in various ways. Eccentric, if you were wealthy and didn't hurt anyone, rebellious if you were young, anti-social or nuts if you just didn't conform to the standards of the day. Today we tend to teach that we're okay, it's everyone else that needs to change. A bit of a reversal. Ignore the truth and seek the dream of tomorrow is the mantra of many. When confronted with the truth these folks balk, unsure of how to respond. 
 The initial response will always be an emotional one. That is what happens when you can't separate emotion from a conditioned response. The conditioned response is what is taught. When we are infants, we just cry out! Those around us will respond to those helpless cries. Then we learn, or rather are taught, to communicate our wants and needs. It's a conditioned response. That should continue our entire lives. We are taught how to respond to a myriad of situations. I'm in the classroom and raise my hand, what does that mean? The teacher will respond to that. When we learn to play a sport, or a musical instrument, or paint a picture we practice. Practice teaches a learned response. It is the removal of emotion. It's why we train to fight fires and respond to medical emergencies. The removal of emotion enables an effective response. We deal with the emotional side of that later, after the fact. Post-traumatic. It seems to me we have far too many people with pre-traumatic stress these days! They are all emotional! They are ignoring the reality. You can't change what happened, you can only respond to it. As I was told, don't cry over spilled milk. If I did, I was also told, I'll give you something to cry about! What was the lesson there? How you feel about what happened isn't nearly as important as your response to it. That is what the stoic philosophers thought as well. They called that response, virtue.
 Virtue is defined as the quality of doing good or being a good person. Virtue isn't simply supporting every view that comes along. That is an emotional response, not a considered one. It may or may not be virtuous. Virtue is an individual thing not a community project. Therein lies the problem. Whereas I have a stoic view of the world others do not. I see a great deal of virtue signaling these days. I know I speak about it often enough. All this flag waving, ribbon wearing, signs and signals! All designed to display your support for whatever behavior (ideology) is being supported. It has always been so throughout the ages. Christians adopted the cross as their signal, the Jews have the Star of David and the Muslims a half-moon and star. All virtue signals. A sign to others what they profess to believe. A display of virtues? Well, in theory they are. As for me, I'm just writing down my thoughts for others to read and contemplate. Whether they agree or not isn't part of that. Hypocrisy isn't part of my virtue system. So, I'll just keep on writing. The goal isn't to change anyone's mind, to gain friends or alienate others, it is solely to record, this is what I think. How strongly you agree or disagree is the response to that. The ball is in your court. 

1 comment:

  1. As a reader of your diatribes and rants for a considerable length of time, I have determined that your personality is anything STOIC. You are strongly opinionated, argumentive, and in general, quite offensive to anyone who might propose an opposing opinion. Your view of yourself is nothing like what others see in you. Enjoy your delusion and maybe spend some time reading definitions of the words you use incorrectly.
