Tuesday, April 25, 2023

It still is

  So, Washington state has passed legislation enabling kids to run away from home and be protected under the law. They will then receive gender affirming care without the consent of their parents! Yes, the state has decided they have control of your children, not you. You have no parental rights when the child wants to change their gender! This sounds like something out of a novel! You had better wake up folks! 
 First, we should examine just what gender affirming care really is. What is it that we are affirming? We are now going to say, if that is what you feel, that is what is real. And you can feel that at any age, and we will agree with you. Not only will we agree with you, but we will also do everything we can to make that appear the reality to others as well. We will do that by injecting hormones, chemicals, or whatever into your body to create biological changes. We will also perform surgical procedures to modify your physical appearance. And most importantly we will tell you all of that is perfectly normal! You simply got the wrong assignment at birth, there isn't anything wrong with you. You're fine! It's the 99.5% of the population that doesn't feel the way you do that is wrong! They have no reason to judge you otherwise. 
 The long and short of that is gender affirming care is just another term for enabling mental illness. Instead of trying to treat that illness we will simply say, it's fine. Using that logic a kleptomaniac and a serial killer shouldn't be treated either, it's the way they feel. And we can't tell others how to feel can we? No, we should affirm their feelings, enable and empower them. We can't even tell them that it is wrong, we shouldn't judge. Then they would get the impression that we hate them! And remember, love is love, no matter what you love. Using that logic bestiality should be tolerated and supported fully. It's in my DNA. I did some reading on that subject yesterday. There are scientists/biologists saying just that. They have observed differences in DNA that may be causing the mental condition known as gender dysphoria. Yes, that's what they call it when think you are one thing but think you might be another. Dysphoria means you are unhappy, unsatisfied or frustrated. That's what it is. 
 But now it has been decided that when your gender is involved, the reaction should be, we will change the reality to suit your feelings. Wish that was the reaction when I feel unhappy that I'm not a millionaire. I should get the money that way, I'm cured! Hey, I'm just not satisfied and therefore you should do everything in your power to satisfy me. If it is what I feel, it is real! That's what the experts are saying now. That happened in 2012 when the experts removed "gender identity disorder" from the handbook and replaced it with "gender dysphoria." Now it isn't a disorder anymore. See how that works? Ignore the reality and affirm the fantasy. It's the easiest way to deal with that. Doesn't matter to the therapist one bit, he/she will receive their fees no matter what. It is easier to just reassure everyone, tell them they are fine, rather than confront them with the truth. Placating is far less stressful for the therapist. Dealing with people that are angry or upset is a hassle. Just tell'em they are fine. 
 Washington state has decided that children, minors, can now just run away from home when they don't get what they want. In doing so they will be protected and given what they want regardless of what their parents say. Washington has declared itself a sanctuary state for transgender children. Think about that for a minute. A sanctuary state for runaway children that are confused about their gender. This state will affirm their feelings and provide "care?" Is that really care? What happens when these children change their mind in a year or two? Is Washington going to change them back? And just who is paying for all of this care. I'm not just thinking about this so-called gender affirming care, I'm talking about feeding, clothing, educating and housing all these children. And what happens if they decide they don't like what the state is saying to them? They don't like Mom and Dad telling them what gender they really are, so they run away. Can they run away from Washington state if they don't like what they are saying? Then who is responsible for those children? Aren't they wards of the state? 
  If it is what I feel, it is real. That's the new rule. It negates any other rule, law, feeling, hunch, notion or impression. It can't be judged. That what it is. It's what I feel, it is real. Well yeah okay it is real to you. I get that, I understand that completely. I have feelings too and they are real to me. Sometimes however reality can be confusing. I really feel like I should win the lottery. I can give you a long list of reasons I should. I've purchased the tickets and yet I still haven't won. I'm not satisfied! I really feel like I should win. The reality is, I haven't. My tickets prove that. 99.5% of the population are not confused about their gender. I think we need to go with that reality. You can feel differently, but you can't change the reality. Yes, it may be what you feel but it still isn't real. Doesn't have a thing to do with love, with affirmation, with hate, with anything else at all. It's simply the truth. Doesn't matter what you feel. You can't change the truth. Best you can do is feel like it isn't the truth. It still is. 

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