Wednesday, April 5, 2023

memory and treasure

 Do we get signs from heaven, from the other side? I believe that we do indeed get those signs and signals even when we aren't conscious of that. You can call it a hunch, a premonition, instinct or something else but I believe it is a real thing. What they mean, what the purpose or intent is, I haven't a clue about. I think they are just there to guide you a bit, but the decision is still yours. Even God has given us free will so I see no reason others, on that side, wouldn't do the same. This very morning, I received a sign or signal from my sister. She crossed over, as the saying goes, five years ago. I think of her often and have many mementos of her around my house. There is one thing in particular that brings her to mind every time I notice it. And that is something we all do, have things around the house that go mostly unnoticed and then we notice it again. You know what I mean? 
 Well, this particular item is a solar powered bird, a cardinal to be exact. When the sun shines on it the wings would flap. I say would flap because it no longer flies. The thing is I went to visit my sister in Florida at her home. I hadn't seen her in a good number of years and had never visited her at her home before. To say it was a rare occasion is a bit of an understatement. We had talked often enough, nearly every week for a number of years. Still, we just never got together. We had both gone off living our lives, raising our children and then bragging about grandchildren, and rarely seeing each other in person. Only weddings and funerals drawing us together. Isn't that the way it is with so many of us? But we were together finally as brother and sister once again, all the other stuff set aside. All the stuff that had happened over the years with our lives and careers. For a short time once again, just a brother and his sister. When the time came to leave, to return to my home, I remarked how cute that plastic cardinal was in her window. She handed it to me and said take it home with you. Her living in Florida making a remark about perhaps I could become a snowbird! So, I did take that bird with me placing it on the dashboard as I flew back home. That plastic bird would make another trip to Florida on the dashboard of my car about a year later. 
 I had that plastic bird sitting in my window at home when it fell to the floor and got broken. I attempted to repair it as best as I could. The wing had gotten broken, and they would no longer move with the solar power. No matter I was determined to keep it. I decided that bird needed a cage and so built one for it. I placed that bird in there and that is where it is to this day. Presently that bird cage hangs in my bedroom window where it catches the morning sun. As I mentioned earlier I barely notice it now, it is just there. But this morning something caught my eye as I walked down the hallway that leads to my bathroom and bedroom, something outside the window at the end of that hallway. It was bright red cardinal! Cardinals aren't a common sight around here, not so I've noticed anyway, but there was that one, right there, just outside my window. My thoughts went immediately to my sister. What message is being sent. Is it a sign? Could be. But then again maybe she just wanted to say good morning, spring has sprung, Easter is just a few days away. Seems fitting. Funny how a dollar store trinket can become such a treasure. I think there may be a lesson in that somewhere. You just never know. 

                                                      I made the cage to hold her memory. 

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