Monday, April 3, 2023


  I write these blogs in the hope that others in the future may read them. Sure, I want them to be read today as well but I'm thinking their value lies in the future, if they have any value at all. Not being anyone of note, no celebrity, nothing even close to that, it is unlikely anyone beyond immediate family would be interested but I am leaving the record, nonetheless. Usually, I go into some depth of explanation for my thoughts. I try to explain why. That is what I'm hoping will interest others in the future. The explanation of history is always fascinating to me. It has been said that history is written by the victor, and I can certainly see the truth in those words. Still every few generations history is rewritten, new "discoveries" made. The new discoveries are usually what the "loser" was staying at the time of the original event. 
 We are usually not aware of it, not paying attention, but we are living history every day of our lives. To us, it is simply today. We do mark certain days and dates as historic, dates to be remembered. For my parents' generation it was December the 7th 1941, a date that will live in infamy. For my generation it is September the eleventh 2001. Those are days when everyone was paying attention. It has been almost 82 years since the attack on Pearl harbor. The emotion of that moment is being forgotten. It is the emotion that is remembered more so than the event in most cases. One hundred and sixty-two years ago this month a momentous event took place. An event that stirred the emotions of the entire nation. Over 600,000 people would lose their lives over this event. What was it? The first shots fired on Fort Sumter that began the civil war. A date almost forgotten. I have often wondered what my 2nd great grandfather thoughts were as he went off to that war. What were his emotions? Was he filled with patriotic fervor or simply drafted into service and fulfilling his obligation to the nation? I don't know, it wasn't written down anywhere I am aware of. 
 The news likes to make headlines about something being historic. We have become somewhat fixated on that. Donald Trump, ex-president has been indicted! It's historic, the first time in history that has happened. How will history record that event? Depends upon who is writing the history. We hear about firsts almost daily now. The first black, Latino, gay, handicapped, trans, or whatever to do whatever or be elected to whatever. It's historic! Well, yes, it is historic for the day, but will it remain historic in the future? That is to say will it stir the same emotions in the future? Highly unlikely. Whatever is allowed today will become the normal thing tomorrow. Then we can look back in horror and disgust at what we allowed in that past. Eventually we will condemn our own past! It has been less than a hundred years since we allowed women to vote in our elections. Yes, prior to 1920 that wasn't allowed. I'd say the emotions have died regarding that one. In 1953 the year I was born a man and his wife were both executed by the United States of America. The charges? Conspiracy to commit espionage! Historians today argue over whether the charges were just and the punishment fair. How many today are accused of conspiracy? And the response is usually, laughter. It's just a theory.
 Now this whole Donald Trump thing will go down in history, no doubt about that. But it will be mostly forgotten about in a few years. His supporters will tell one story and his detractors the opposite. History will record the facts, what happened at the trial. He isn't denying he paid hush money, just how it was paid. That's a detail that will be lost in the record. Is this whole indictment a political ploy? Could very well be and it wouldn't be the first in history. It could be argued that Nixon, Clinton, and Scooter Libby all faced the same thing, a politically motivated attack. I'm certain there are other examples in history if you looked for them. Twice impeached, once indicted. History? Yeah, it is historic. How will history record it all? Once the emotions die down, it will be forgotten. Personally, I've already lost interest in the whole charade. And that is how I would record this in history. It's a political charade. He said, she said, they thought. Keep stirring the pot, keep the emotions hot! That's the plan. Emotions are great motivators, but seldom good guides. 

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