Friday, September 3, 2021


 The Texas "heartbeat" bill is in effect. Banning abortions past the about sixth week. The first complaint I heard that is before some women even know they are pregnant. Yeah, well if you don't know you are pregnant you won't be seeking an abortion will you? Seems rather obvious to me. One spokesperson for an abortion firm was on television complaining they wouldn't be able to provide healthcare. Ah, killing the unborn isn't healthcare. Why, this could put them out of business altogether! Personally I hope that is the case, the sooner the better. I fail to see how any civilized nation can allow the killing of babies calling that healthcare. But this will be fought in the courts across the land. The supreme court has refused to hear the evidence and issue an opinion. The reason is obvious enough, as abortion and healthcare do not belong in the same sentence, one having nothing to do with the other. 
 I listened to the news report as this spokesman insisted that it was the right of every woman to kill her child. Indeed, it was his right to perform the murder! He went on to say, "some laws are meant to be broken" and that he would be breaking that law. That is how strongly he felt, damn the law! Personal belief takes precedence over the law! Another concern was women in Texas may have to drive as far as 250 miles to get an abortion. Well how inconvenient that is. Much more convenient to just stop by the mall and get an abortion, you know, when it is convenient to do so. That is the value of life. Meanwhile I should wear a mask, you know, to protect you. You could get Covid-19 and die! Well, that is if your mother allowed you to live in the first place. Mask mandates should never be broken! Vaccine mandates must be followed or you could lose your job, even when your job is in healthcare! Nurses that worked all this time without a vaccine now being ordered to get the vaccine or be fired! 
 None of this has anything to do with healthcare. All of this is about control. How did the abortion business begin? It was championed by a woman named Margaret Sanger. It was thinly disguised as a progressive program to benefit the nation. This is just one quote from Ms. Sanger, " "Permits for parenthood shall be issued upon application by city, county, or state authorities to married couples, providing they are financially able to support the expected child, have the qualifications needed for proper rearing of the child, have no transmissible diseases, and, on the woman’s part, no medical indication that maternity is likely to result in death or permanent injury to health."
-- Margaret Sanger, "America Needs a Code for Babies," Article 5, March 27, 1934. 
 China implemented such a policy not too many years back. Very progressive indeed. Along with that  and many other thoughts, the goal was to eliminate Negroes and anyone else felt inferior in any way. Yes, just kill the babies and you can solve all those social issues. maintain control. Eventually that organization changed its' name to Planned Parenthood. Sure sounds better than, the Eugenics Society doesn't it? The fact is it never had anything to do with healthcare. Fact is, it still doesn't. Every other service that Planned Parenthood provides is readily available by a host of other organizations. Birth control, health screenings, all of that is available for free or at reduced rate elsewhere. The main business of Planned Parenthood is abortion! That is why that advocate was on television bemoaning the Texas law protecting the life of babies. That is the problem in his eyes, they will be out of business! Well yes, that is the intent of the law! 
 The case of Roe V Wade revolves around viability. That's the terminology used. If the fetus is viable. In Roe V Wade 24 weeks is mentioned as the beginning of viability. This , of course, refers to the baby surviving outside the womb. That needed too be stipulated for a simple reason. Once the egg has been fertilized, a woman becomes pregnant, the result will must likely be, she has a baby! The fact is simple enough, from the moment of conception the birth of a baby is a viable outcome!! Yes, from the moment of conception, if cared for, a baby will develop. Ripping that egg from the uterine wall will certainly prevent that from happening as surely as removing a seed from the ground. That will end the life! So, it is viable that a baby will develop from that moment of conception and no one has a right to kill a viable life. Really it is the same thing Sanger was saying, we should just chose who is fit to live and who is not! It's eugenics not healthcare. Hooray for Texas I say. Don't want a baby. don't get pregnant! It's as simple as that. There are plenty of methods to prevent that. A "mistake" on your part should not result in the death of another! Strange isn't it? There are those insisting, attempting to make it a law even, that I should be injected with a vaccine to save your life! I shouldn't have any right to refuse that. Yet, you chose to have something injected in you, and you feel it is a right to kill another person because of that. That person has no right to live? No choice in the matter for them, none. 

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