Saturday, September 25, 2021

the temperance of time

  Once again I find myself blocked from posting on Facebook, having violated their community standards. Yes I did it without thinking about it, without even trying really. Well, as I always say, it is their ball and they can take it home whenever they like. I do feel like I was baited just a bit this time as the comment that violated their standard was left on an article that should have also violated their standard. I disagreed with their robocop but was unable to tell them why. Apparently the robocops are too busy fighting Covid misinformation to be bothered with facts. What is it the French say, C'est la vie. I'll be back in a week.
 I'll find some other activities to fill the gap. I have a few projects that could use my attention and this will be a good time. I do get distracted by Facebook at times, I guess we all do. I admit I enjoy the interaction with others, however brief it may be at times. It is difficult to carry on any extended conversations. I expect that was the idea behind Facetime, trying to give the illusion of being in the same room anyway. Skype is the same concept isn't it? I tried Skype once and didn't like it. Now I hear one has to be careful about what is in the background with your video feeds, big brother is watching! I was watching the Waltons and have noticed that Rebel flag appears in several scenes, surprised that hasn't been edited out by now. I can only surmise the censors haven't picked up on that yet. But I guess that is what "raising awareness" is all about. I never paid any attention to that before it became a big deal. It's that way with a lot of stuff the left seems to concern itself with these days. Those pesky microaggressions! 
  When I was growing up I was often told to just ignore it. That was the advice given when I was being teased or other where acting out. I learned that most of the time those folks were just seeking attention. Yes, I know, that's an old fashioned simplistic way of seeing things, not enlightened like todays scholars would be. Funny thing is, it worked fairly well. It's a mechanism I still use today. When I'm done with someone, I'm done. I will just ignore them. Now, that doesn't happen often I admit, but it does happen. Some people probably pray for that. Like Facebook though, I keep coming back. But I think this ties in with yesterdays posting regarding civil aggression. All this awareness is making people mad. They are getting mad about things they hadn't even thought of! But, now having been informed what they should be mad about, they are acting out. They're aware! 
 Well I've always been a fan of spontaneity. Surprise me. We often think of that as being a good thing, a fun thing, but that isn't always the case. You can also react poorly on impulse as well. But being conditioned to think or respond in a set fashion makes for a dull life. I mean, it's great if you are in the military where discipline rules the day and reacting correctly may mean life and death, but reacting to a historical statue, not so much. Or stain glassed windows. I saw on the news that the National cathedral has some stained glass windows depicting, gasp, southern symbols and sentiments. Yes, that pesky rebel flag is in there among other things. They will be removed by 2023! I wonder how many people even knew that they were there? Well I guess the church isn't as forgiving as the founder of that church would have been. That must be erased from the national memory. A fine line between remembrance and memorial I suppose. Judged with the temperance of time. I failed to exercise temperance with my comment on Facebook and have been exiled as a result. No one to blame but myself. I do not feel the least bit contrite however. using todays standard I should feel empowered. But mostly, I'll just ignore it.     

1 comment:

  1. To quote one of those in the old show, Our Gang Comedies, 'they'll nevah learn'. Guess it still holds true. Some continue their behaviors regardless of the punishments.
