Wednesday, September 8, 2021

financing liberty?

  Have we become so concerned with financing our dreams that we we have forgotten how to enjoy life itself? What I'm thinking about is all the trappings we require. Take something as simple as going fishing. Will a cane pole with a hook and bobber suffice? For the vast majority that scenario would be considered rustic, a novelty, something not to be taken seriously. Really we want a bass boat with 200 hp engine, depth finder, fiberglass poles, and a tacklebox overflowing. That's what I'm thinking about, financing our dreams. And it doesn't make much difference what it is. It is pretty much that way with everything if you think about it. I have hundreds of dollars in a computer, printer and all the related stuff to go with it. And all of that is just for entertainment. We do the same with the required things in life as well, just, not as readily. Think about it, are you more willing to finance that new boat or finance some new tools for work? You can only buy one, a new flat screen television or a new faucet for the kitchen sink, which one do you buy?
  I have often talked about how everything has to be "professional" grade these days. Isn't that the thinking? We need the best, the latest, the greatest in everything. I believe a great deal of that has to do with keeping up with the proverbial Jones's. Wouldn't want to appear inferior would we? Or perhaps it has more to do with our own insecurities. Don't you feel like you can do a better job, have just a bit more fun, or be more successful if you only have the "right" equipment? Yes, we all do. And all of that costs money. We find a way to finance our dreams. Thing is, it is never enough, not really, because we always look for something better. And then we think we could make it better, if only. Always need something else, something better, something more efficient. 
  For many of us, of a certain age, we look back at our childhood with fond memories. Back before there were video games, computers, electronics of all kinds. We remember being entertained by playing board games, jacks, jumping rope, riding our bicycle, and just hanging out with our friends. We didn't need much back then did we? Well, we did want the latest tennis shoes, before they were labeled Athletic Shoes and cost a hundred dollars, and maybe a new bike. But the things we wanted were a little closer to our grasp then they are today. Remember when you could do an odd job, or maybe collect enough bottles to finance your latest dream? But the dream has become more expensive each year and harder to obtain. 
  And some of that is the fault of government. Minimum standards is what that is called. If a product or service fails in any way the provider may be subject to a law suit. That's true even when we are the provider! Why can't you just add a room to your home? Why is it a requirement to provide detailed plans, obtain approval for the local authority, have that work inspected upon completion, and the work has to be completed by licensed and bonded craftsman? You can't do that yourself, you have to finance that dream with a professional from start to finish. It's for your own good! That and we wouldn't want to infringe upon the neighborhood as far as looks go. The message is clear, you have to have a professional! It must be professional grade or it isn't good enough. Fact is, I can't take my cane pole, with a hook and bobber, and go fishing without first obtaining a permit. I need to finance that as well. 
  Now I see the "survivors" on television and the reality shows about living in the wilderness. The truth there is, you have to have money to do that as well. On those shows those folks have acres of land, they didn't get that free. They have equipment, tools, all of that stuff, none of it free. They are financing their dreams as well. It's entertaining to watch them though, as they present the picture as one of struggle and the pioneer spirit. Yeah, okay. They have just been lucky enough to find a way to finance their dream. I'm certain television is paying them something. Well, good for them I say, I don't begrudge them a thing. It's just that I watch them with a bit of a grin. Financed independence? 
  America was founded by Capitalist's. That is the system favored. In that system of government industry and trade are controlled by individuals. That's an issue for those that aren't very industrious, know what I mean? Those folks favor socialism, where you get what you want whether you work for it or not. Now every system has it flaws and with capitalism it is having, capital. That is the reason we have taken to financing everything. Financing being provided by socialists and more recently communists. The socialists are happy to finance the capitalist's as long as they can control the capitalist's and they can do that as long as they control the capital. Pretty basic isn't it? Eventually socialists become communist's to tighten that grip on control. 
 So what is the dream? The dream is Independence, always has been. To live free. The American dream declared and codified in our founding documents. The right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. "We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. That Constitution begins with Article One, Section One, stating: "All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of representatives." The people shall finance the government, not the other way around. That is independence. That's the dream.

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