Wednesday, September 22, 2021

under control

  So tired of hearing about the mask. The whole deal to me is simple enough. The mask works both ways, it keeps the virus from going out and it keeps the virus from coming in. And we could debate that science if we really wanted to. A surgeon wears one to prevent the germs from going out. Makes perfect sense. Never before has anyone suggested that we all wear a mask to prevent that from happening in our everyday life. If we did would that prevent everyone from getting the seasonal flu, the common cold, and countless other airborne infections? Well, if we all lived in a bubble that could be accomplished I suppose. But if you are concerned with an airborne virus, germ or other contaminants wearing a mask is a great idea. I do so when sanding or in very dusty conditions. Those in another room do not however. So, that's my point, if you are concerned wear a mask.
  That being understood we have to ask where is the virus coming from? I mean did all this really start with one person coughing? Then another breathed it in and so on all the way around the world? Just an airborne virus that can't live on surfaces, can't travel more than six feet through the air, but breathed in? Well, I'm no scientist but that seems unlikely. There is a contradiction here. We are told the virus can't survive on surfaces, it can't be spread by contact, yet we are busy sanitizing everything we touch. Schools are closed for "deep cleaning" because a student had covid. Why? All you have to do is wait, the virus can't survive remember. 
  Well, like I said, if you are concerned wear a mask. I'm tired of this whole narrative. When I feel it necessary I will wear a mask. You are free to do the same. Wear it twenty four seven if that is what makes you feel safe. This virus is spread by other means, not just me breathing! I'll tell you another thing. The body produces a cough as a defense mechanism. The purpose of coughing is to expel bad things from your body. I fail to see how trapping those bad things in my body is helping me. Providing a breeding ground for a virus just doesn't sound like a good idea. 
  In my opinion the whole vaccine/mask thing is more about control and compliance than it is science. A method of control. Your freedom, your job and your entertainment all being controlled. Without the proper "papers" you will be restricted from all of that. It's just the next step. Government, in all forms, seeks to control the population. Always has, always will.   

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