Monday, September 6, 2021

I'm telling you

  It hasn't been a deliberate thing but I haven't watched much news lately. I have to say I am wondering what's happening in the world. But then again, no news is good news, isn't that what they say. Ignorance is bliss. I wouldn't agree with that, I guess I'm just curious by nature. When I was little I was too young, then it was, none of your business, and now you don't know what your talking about. LOL, that's the stages of information I have experienced anyway. But I have heard a few rumors about airplanes on the tarmac that the Taliban will not let leave. What a surprise, according to old Joe they are an amicable enough bunch, very diplomatic. Well, I'm just waiting for the page to turn. Joe was never intended to complete a full term in office, he'll be replaced soon enough. Then Harris steps in and the shadow government gains full control. 
 Now I'm not saying all of this was planned out, but a series of circumstances presented themselves and are being used to full advantage. It is far easier to convince people they are victims, rather then convince them to step up and accept responsibility. As far as any "hostages" in Afghanistan goes, ah, at this point what difference does it make! Isn't that the party line? No good opportunity left behind! We will just place blame on the guy with dementia, they even got him to say, the buck stops here, to support that position. Well you know poor Joe, lost one son, the other has disgraced the entire family, and he has struggled mightily for 37 years in Congress. He did manage to tax social security twice but we should all feel sorry for him, you know exercise empathy. Just like we do for all the criminals, thugs, drug addicts and other never do wells! Hey, it's the Christian thing to do right? Just don't try to use your Christianity to support your position, then you are being unchristian. That's how that works.
  Meanwhile I am hearing rumors of a third booster being required. Hey, three times a charm right? The other two vaccines that remain unapproved are hoping for approval soon. There is only one reason they aren't. We do have to make it appear as though actual testing and clinical trials are being conducted. It's my thinking Pfizer had some inside edge, have to follow the money to discover that route. Call me a skeptic but I'm certain there is money behind the whole deal. But, keep wearing your mask! The Governor of Maryland says 81% of everyone in the state that are eligible are now vaccinated. We need to wear our masks though because the other 19% will kill us all, vaccinated or not! But on the bright side seasonal flu has all but disappeared, no need to worry about that. Still, better get a vaccine for that. Of course there is a 50/50 chance, at best, that the vaccine for this years seasonal flu won't work but still. you know, just in case. 
  I'm wondering who will be chosen to be the vice -president. You know when Biden is removed, steps down or whatever it is constitutionally the choice of Harris. The speaker of the house does not automatically become the vice president. That isn't how it works in that scenario. Biden and Harris would both have to be ineligible to serve at the same time. One reason you seldom see the two of them together by the way. Anyway, we all know Harris won't really have that choice, she will be told what to do by the powers behind the scene. I don't believe it will be Pelosi or Schiff, none of those characters. No I'm thinking someone far more malleable, far more cooperative will be placed in that seat. If I were Harris I'd be a bit nervous, best thing she could do is what she is told! As much as I dislike her and her politics I don't wish an "accident" on anyone. She had best be very careful is all I'm going to say about that. 
  But then I'm just a conspiracy theorist. Well it takes a group of people to conspire, that's the meaning of the term. I'm not conspiring with anyone, just thinking out loud. I am concerned with those that are conspiring however. That is taking place on all levels and in all parties. Really that is what politics is all about. Parties or factions? Is there any difference? Read some history and you will see that conspiracy often becomes fact. It is just that after the fact we don't see the conspiracy, It's also the reason people hate it when others says, "told you so." Amazing too is how often the others forget that you, "told them so." The reaction is either feigned surprise or silence. Remember even Nostradamus wasn't right every time but if he were alive today he could say, "told you so" for more than one occasion. I'm no soothsayer that's for certain but I can see a bit into the future. The full court press to get everyone injected with some vaccine, any vaccine really, is on. It isn't about medicine here, it is about control. Was a day we sang Onward Christian Soldiers, now the battle cry will be, Follow the Science! Onward Science!            

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