Friday, March 19, 2021

where exceptions begin

  Their is a bill in congress right now called the equality act. This bill hopes to amend the civil rights act of 1964 to specify additional things that you can not discriminate against. The original bill only lists actual realities, not fantasies. But it has been determined that if you proclaim your gender identity to be something other than the actual science proves you are, and I don't agree with that, I'm discriminating against you. Basically what this bill proposes is that you are whatever you claim to be. It is an attempt to codify a fantasy or delusional thinking. Just two years back believing you were a different gender was a condition called gender dysphoria and a treatable mental illness. It was a disability as a matter of fact. Today there are those that would make it a legally protected normality. Sexual orientation is also included in this bill. Now that is none of my business and I would just as soon not know anything about that. In my way of thinking that information is on a need to know basis. Of course there is something to be said for assuming the one gender would be attracted to the opposite gender, you know, that being the normal thing. You could go as far as to say, the expected thing. If you have to start making civil laws to protect those opposing natural laws, I suspect the violation should really be against nature, not civil law. In short, it's what is expected to happen. 
 The whole issue I have with this is certain assumptions have to be made. If someone doesn't get whatever it is they want, and they fall into this category, the assumption is it is because of discrimination. It's like carrying a trump card around. To me it is similar to the whole hate crime thing. To be charged with a hate crime, a federal offense by the way, relies on one of two conditions. Either you admit to that, state your discriminatory, prejudicial, and hate for whatever, or the prosecutor just assumes that was the motivation. How do you determine motivation? If I decide to identify as a woman how are you to determine why? This bill would say, you are to assume that it is genuine. In short you are to believe that I really believe I am a woman. You are required by law to support my delusion. And yes, it is a delusion, you can't change your gender. That's science! And we are told to follow the science aren't we? You can't have it both ways. 
 So what is this equality act really? What it is basically saying is, if I want to be something other than what you like we aren't equal. The only way we can be equal is if you agree with my every choice. That's equal. It's equal because I devalue your opinion, your judgement, making it comply with my standard. Can civil law really ever make people equal? It's a great idea isn't it? It is also a fantasy. There will always be the haves and the have nots. The fact is a community establishes standards. Those wishing to be equal adopt the standards of that community and comply. Those wishing to do otherwise are not part of the community! So then the attempt is made to change the rules, change the standards. Equality is the goal. The reality is, not all things are equal. There are better and worse. Consider something as simple as art. If everyone were equal, everyone is a Picasso or a Rembrandt. We are all equal! We will pass a bill saying just that, if I believe my painting to be a masterpiece you must agree with that. If you do not, you are discriminating, possibly prejudiced. Just because my painting is not what you expected, what is thought of as normal, is no reason for you to treat me any differently. Hey, I really believe I'm a great artist after all. I don't have artistic dysphoria! See the problem with all of that? 
 Look I'm just sayin' you can't legislate on assumptions. Is being a transgender a normal thing? Should I have to acknowledge that? Is that equality? Does equality mean I have to agree with you? That's what makes us equal? Well it is my belief that you have no right to tell me how to think. You are only protected against the way I may act. But when I don't think the way you do, that doesn't mean I have to act the way you do in order to be equal! You aren't a mind reader. Unless I tell you my thoughts you can't know my thoughts. You can not assume my actions are based on your thoughts. I will say this, if you are worried or concerned that your actions may cost you some perceived benefit, privilege, or consideration perhaps you should examine your actions instead of assuming my thoughts. I'll finish up by saying what I've been saying for some time now, "everyone wants to be equal until they are treated equally" that's where the exceptions begin. 

1 comment:

  1. This is a nightmare that promotes equality only as defined in an Orwellian newspeak..Passage of this would end any semblance of free and fair elections as we crumble into a big Venezuela
