Monday, March 1, 2021

told you so

  Where do our memories go when we die? The hope is that that they are repeated by those left behind. I believe that as long as our names are spoken and our story told we are not gone. Memory is our energy and as such can never be destroyed. That's true even when we can't remember them. I think it may be a law of nature and as such applies to everyone. Memories are a sort of cosmic consciousness. We all react to memories, sometimes misidentified as instinct. Where does that instinct originate? From the universe, the eternal mystery that is life itself. Man has attempted to explain life, and existence, since man became aware of his existence. We have looked to the skies for the answers and we are still exploring that avenue to this day. Life on Mars? Life in the universe? Will we remember being alive? That is a question I often ask myself. Will we know that we died? Will we wake one day to discover that? That's what many pray for and some devote their lives to. Life everlasting, the retention of the memories. I wonder perhaps if that isn't what Deja Vu is all about. Do we pick up old memories that belonged to someone else? Is that why we feel like we have seen or done something before? It's a memory, just not ours? Still it feels like a memory doesn't it? A rose by any other name?
 As for me I was making an attempt at writing down my memories. That was the original thought I had when staring this blogging adventure. But now I've come to the conclusion that even when I write my memories down, they are not preserved as that. No, they are now stories, stories narrated by the author, first person accounts, but to those reading, not a memory. Still, those stories can be used as a reference. It is something I do quite frequently, reference those that I have known in the past. I remember their stories, extract the moral, or lesson from that story and use it as reference. Been doing that since I began to understand the spoken word and continued in that when learning to read. That's why man invented writing in the first place, as a means to pass down memories. Memories are the reference point for tomorrow. Also the reason remembering the past is so very important. It's a cliché we hear all the time, learning from the past.
 What makes one person memorable and others not? We tend to remember those things that are different, that stand out. And yet the struggle in life is to fit in. We all want to be popular, to a degree, to be liked, to be listened to, to be understood. We put all of that under a blanket we call, respect. We all want to be respected. It's no different with our memories. We all want our memory respected. What does that mean? Not to be forgotten has to be the answer. Our memory must remain, alive and well in others memories. It is my feeling that is a means to measure love. Those that we truly loved we never forget. We reference them all the time when making important decision in our lives. There memory is important to us. The memory of them, is them. The greatest gift you can give to another is reference. Reference is knowledge. It's what you refer too!
 It is my hope that some of these postings give others food for thought. That is something I can only wish for. When giving a gift, it is up to the recipient to receive that gift. That is to say, place value on the gift. The value lies not in the offering, but in the receipt. If you wish to return the gift isn't that what you need, the receipt? The receipt determine the value. When we choose to retain the gift, the receipt is unimportant. Each of us have a unique perception , a different view of the world and we should share that view. We really shouldn't insist everyone see the same thing. Still, I think it is important to point out the landmarks, those things that don't change. Yes, there are absolutes. That is the quest of science isn't it, to define the absolutes? Our memories are the absolutes in our life. You really can't change them, just define them. And so I am recording the landmarks. Landmarks that may provide a reference to others. It is up to the others to define them, to receive or reject. 
 I'll finish this up by sharing this about myself. I take pleasure in saying, I told you so. Yes, it's true that is a great satisfaction to me. I love it when my landmarks have been confirmed with undeniable evidence. See, I told you so. And yes I do hope that one day, in the future, years from now, my writings are stumbled upon by someone. That someone reads my memories and shakes their head in agreement. It's a sort of Deja Vu moment for them, it's an, I told you so from the past. The real hope is that I'm around to see that. 

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