Friday, March 5, 2021


  Watched an interview with the so called Qanon Shaman. You know the guy in jail for entering the Senate chamber on Jan 6. Yeah, that guy with his horns and furs. carrying the flag with a spear point on the top. The government prosecutor labeling that flag a deadly weapon. Well whatever, I think the guy is a bit deranged, having some mental issues. Perhaps his lawyer will use that as a defense, I know I would. But setting all that aside the part that bothered me about the whole interview was the obvious bias on display by the reporter. It really wasn't an interview it was an attack. Very unprofessional in my opinion. An interview shouldn't be a confrontation. Of course I'm no journalist so what do I know? 
  After the interview the reporter was talking with the news anchor. The big question was about this guys "loyalty" to Donald Trump. The shaman was asked about that and replied he felt like Trump supported the constitution and cared about the American people. Basically saying he agreed with the ideology of Donald Trump. The reporter however insisted that he was just being loyal to Trump, The implication was clear, Trump is like a cult leader and this guy belongs to the cult. There was no discussion about the basic ideology at all, just that he followed Trump. It was made clear by this reporter that what happened on January the 6th was the sole fault of Donald Trump and his "followers." In watching this interview it was implied that all of Trumps supporters were like this shaman! A danger to society that should be locked up for the good of the nation! 
 Okay, so that makes a great story for the liberal crowd and bolsters the rating for the main stream media. It's just another opportunity to push the agenda of destroying Trump and anyone that associated with him in any form whatsoever. That  interview being shown on the same day as the main stream media reports that Qanon, Trump supporters, are planning an attack on the capitol! They will attack the capitol and inaugurate Donald Trump as the president! That's the plan! They have closed down the capitol, business has come to a halt, the security tightened. Why? Because of Donald Trump.
 Well let's just cool our jets here a bit. Let's address the question of loyalty. That seems to be the big issue the left is having with anyone supporting Trumps policies or plans. People are being loyal to Trump. Is that what people are being loyal too? I can't speak for anyone else but I'm certainly not a loyal subject of Donald J Trump. Having never met the man, never had any dealings with him, nor profited from him in any way, why would I be? Yes he was the President of the United States, regardless of whether you believed that or not. As such he could propose and implement plans and policies just as all other presidents have done before him. His popularity hinged upon the public perception of those policies. Just like every other president before him. His was a conservative approach to government. Guess what, so is mine. 
 Does that make me a Trump supporter? No, it does not. It makes me a supporter of conservative values, policies and plans. That is what I am loyal too. The Qanon shaman said he was loyal to the Constitution. I agree with him on that one point but I am not a follower of him. He did illegally enter the Senate chamber and as such should be charged to the fullest extent of the law. He didn't hurt anyone, steal anything, or damage anything, but, he illegally entered the Senate chamber and that is his crime. That being said he shouldn't be tried on the grounds that he is a Trump supporter. And that is exactly what the reporter and the news anchor repeatedly stressed, that guy is a Trumpster! He is evil, wrong, and should be locked up. His crime is agreeing with conservative values. 
 Donald Trump is the ringleader for all conservatives. That is what the media is trying to convince everyone of. Donald Trump gave voice to a conservative movement in America. No, he didn't, that voice has always existed. It was that voice that elected him in the first place. Against all the pundits, all the "experts" Trump defeated Hillary Clinton soundly for one reason only, the people spoke up. The people had had enough of the liberal agenda and it was time for a change. Trump promised that change and in fact, delivered that change. The real question being, how was that changed perceived? Was it good or bad? The main stream media outlets, controlled by those with a liberal viewpoint, went on the offensive immediately. There was nothing that Donald J Trump was going to do that wouldn't be found damaging to the nation in some way. They began with saying he got the Russians to interfere in the election. After several years of investigations and millions of dollars they find nothing. The liberals win an election and say, it's impossible for any election fraud to alter the outcome of an election. And now they are proposing sweeping new election reform because? Well the process could be influenced in some matter when Republicans are on the ballot, although it is impossible if a Democrat wins the election. That's how that works. Loyalty is only a good thing when you are loyal to the liberal agenda! If you are loyal to conservativism, you are loyal to Trump, and if you are loyal to Trump, you are dangerous. You must be silenced! 
 You know there were those that supported the British rule in America. They were happy being subject to the King and his wishes and desires, They didn't mind the taxes, the little inconveniences in life as long as the King protected them from attack. They just wanted the security that comes with all of that. There was a name for those folks, they were called loyalists. Yes, they were loyal to the crown. And what was the crown? A political system is the short answer to that question. That system in Britain has since been replaced, the people no longer loyal to the crown. What system are they using now? A Constitutional Monarchy is the answer to that. The key term being a "constitution." That document being the contract between the people and the government authority. 
 I fully support the Constitution of the United States of America, I have taken an oath to defend that several times over the years, and I have never been relieved of that duty. So I would say, if asked, I am a loyalist! Not to Donald Trump though, to the constitution, to America, and to conservative values. You know the thing is, I didn't vote for Trump, although few believe me when I tell them that. Mostly it is those that voted against him that insist I must have voted for him. I didn't vote for Hillary either. But none of that matters, the past is the past. 
 As far as loyalty goes, my loyalty hasn't changed one bit. I first took the oath of enlistment in 1971 and so will use that as a starting point. I have seen ten presidents since that time. Six of them were Republicans and four have been Democrats. I remember Nixon resigning before he could be impeached for his misdeeds. Then there was Ford and Carter. The great communicator followed the peanut farmer and I remember the big raise in pay he gave the military. George HW Bush followed by Clinton then George W Bush, Obama and now Biden. I have been loyal to the constitution and that oath I took in 1971 as each one of those men took office and as each one left office. Each one has been my president, even when I didn't like the choice. That hasn't changed either. So if being a loyalist is a bad thing once again, at it was in 1776, you have to ask: just what government are you supporting? I support a conservative government of the people, by the people and for the people. I support a constitutional republic. I am loyal to that cause just as my forefathers were loyal to it, and their ancestors before them. And that, is where my loyalty lies. 

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