Saturday, March 20, 2021

in a little while

  It slipped by me yesterday. Yesterday, March the 19, is my grandmother Bennetts' birthday. She was born in Munfors, Sweden in 1884. 1884, 137 years ago. Amazing isn't it? It is when I think that my own mother is now 91 and I am 67. How did so many years get all jammed together like this? I mean, I remember my grandmother well, spent many hours at her home with her. She rocked me as a baby, saw me through childhood, into adolescence and waved goodbye as I left for the Navy. It sure seems like a lot of time when viewed like that. And yes Grandmother Bennett was an immigrant. Wasn't her choice really, she was dispatched by her family to care for a sick aunt. Then life happened to her, she fell in love, married, and had ten children. The rest, as they say is history. And today I'm sitting at a computer in Maryland thinking about all that has transpired over the years. 
 My mother is the youngest of her children, born in 1929 at home. Hers is a different story, not yet finished. She lives in Georgia now with my brother. Of her four children only brother Dan and myself survive. That is a stark reality at times when in mid sentence, it is real. Most of the time the thought doesn't linger long and life goes on. Still there are times, moments, when that time stands still altogether. When all the years combine into that phrase, a little while back. A little while back could be the 1960's now. A little while back we were all together talking about the old folks. It always did seem funny to hear my mother saying, momma. That's how she spoke of her mother, as momma. Momma said this or momma did that. To this day she will say that, momma. Yes, my mother had a momma, and her momma was born in 1884.
 It was a while back, when I was working part time at the grocery store, just before I retired altogether, that a young person was quizzing me. This young lady was doing a paper for her senior project. She had to interview a senior about a time in history. Me, being a historical figure I suppose, was her choice. She wanted to know about the Vietnam war. I had to begin by explaining what the draft system was and how that worked. I talked and she listened, for a while. When we finished up the interview she tossed aside her history book. I asked her what she was doing with that book. She said it was outdated now and being replaced the next school year. That's when I thought, I'm older than the history book now? That's another reality that can sneak up on you. I mean think about that, you are now older than history! Well, it happens every day doesn't it and just goes unnoticed. I've started paying attention, finally. I remember my history teacher in high school telling me just that, pay attention. I hear you Mr. Slattery. 
 Yeah grandma's birthday slipped past this year. To be completely honest about it, it wasn't the first time. I think I am like most men, bad at remembering dates when it comes to stuff like that. The ladies seem to have post it notes or something in their brains. They remember the first date, the first kiss, the first time you ever said anything stupid and every anniversary. It's an amazing ability really, and one of Gods' little jokes I think. God smiles every time we men forget something like that. A reminder, you ate that apple didn't you? Didn't you remember what I told you? Yes, dates can be elusive things for men. It's amazing to think I knew and loved a person that was born in 1884. Somehow it doesn't seem possible. Well until I remember great grandfather Lester. He was born on April the first. I always remember that, it being April fools day. He was born in 1878. Rutherford Hayes was the president then, number 19. We are on number 46 now. I may live to see number 50! The superbowl will be 55 this year and I was around 12 years before that was even a thing. Historical? 
 Today is the first day of spring , a new beginning. With a degree of luck things will remain pretty much the same as always. I find it a bit ironic that we all hope for that knowing full well time will change all things, given time. Why just a little while ago I had to go to work every day and complained about that. Now I'm complaining about time itself. Time is going too fast. A little while back it wasn't fast enough. Remember waiting for Christmas when you were a kid? Yeah that took a year to get there, today Christmas is just around the corner, be here before you know it. Winter is over, where did that go? Not complaining about that though, or am I. Well I'll let you know about all of that, in a while. Takes a while to understand time doesn't it?      

1 comment:

  1. Love your musings ..tales-and history..we are the same age.. my mom is almost 96
