Wednesday, March 17, 2021


  I had a family matter to attend to that necessitated a trip to Georgia. So, packing a bag I set out. The drive was pretty much straight down I-95, part of the five star Eisenhower interstate system. I have to say the speed has increased by about twenty miles an hour since I last traveled any great distance on that highway. Seventy miles per hour was the posted limit a good portion of the way. Eighty, eighty five wasn't uncommon for others. My four cylinder Ford Focus did strain a bit to maintain the speed limit. It certainly wasn't designed for todays' speedways. Still, I was pleased with how well it did manage the trip. I returned home safe and sound. 
 I didn't write any blogs while away. The first time I think I have gone five days without doing so in about 11 years. A streak was broken. It was time and I did enjoy a respite. I hesitated to write another having had time to examine what I have been writing about. The politics have become a bit toxic to me although still concerning. The negativity does wear on a person after a while. But, I'm not one to quit easily, to fold my tent and leave as the saying goes. So, I'm back at the keyboard once again. I'm saying this has become a habit but not an addiction. Habits aren't necessarily a bad thing, addiction always is. Isn't that the perception? I'm going with that.
 Driving for hours on end does give you time to think. I didn't have the distraction of the radio playing as the stations fading in and out annoy me. I just drove along watching the maniacs around me, alert, but not nervous. I noticed a few things. First off the semi's all seem to have large pipe style bumpers these days. I did see the large chrome ones on the older models. I wonder why the pipe bumpers? Perhaps it is just a style thing and doesn't have a function other than that. Retreads are still popular on those rigs as well as I must have seen hundreds of pounds of rubber on the side of the highways. I wonder why, in this time of "safety" and "caring for others" they are still allowed at all. I did have one chunk of rubber fly over the roof of my car. But in-between the maniac drivers and flying rubber I did think about things in a general sense. 
 I can't say that all that thinking has changed my mind about anything. I still feel the same way. I'm guessing that is a good thing, me being the type of person that likes continuity. I usually make a decision and stick with it. Yes there is a lot to be said about being open minded, flexible and accommodating, but there is a lot to be said for making up your mind as well. Making up your mind is how things get done! Some will call it persistence, while others call it stubbornness. Just a matter of perception really. I didn't spend enough time in the southern states to make any judgements about things. I will say as soon as I hit the Carolinas I did see a proliferation of confederate battle flags prominently displayed. A show of heritage or a political statement? I can't offer an opinion on that. I was amused to see billboards, in the bible belt, advertising Adult Superstores. Well I guess sinning is big business in the south but that is just a judgement call. Lots of advertising for cigarettes, cigars and alcoholic refreshments as well. 
 So here it is a blog about nothing, like an episode of Seinfeld. I did settle my family business and feel good about that. A personal obligation fulfilled. It's good when you do something for yourself every once in a while. No one was hurt. I expect things will return to normal in short order. I am a creature of habit after all, just not addicted to the habit. That's my story. 

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