Thursday, March 25, 2021

independent voters?

  In, what I can only describe as a stunning announcement, Senator Duckworth, Democrat from Illinois, stated flatly, I will not vote to confirm any nominee or appointment by the Biden administration, if that individual is white. Read that again, if that person is white. Now if that isn't a blatant racist and discriminatory remark I can't imagine what would be. Senator Duckworth is of Thai descent. She made that statement and and the explanation is that there isn't enough minority representation in government. So her solution is to fill government positions based on race. I didn't hear her feeling about "identifying" oneself as a particular race so perhaps white people could just identify as a minority to secure a position. Hey, we already have a guy identifying as a woman in government. Yes, he is the head of health. 
 Senator Duckworth is proposing that government positions should be filled according to racial demographics. The census bureau has these estimates in that regard, listed as "self identified" : non-Hispanic white 60.1% ( I didn't know you could be a white Hispanic) Hispanic Latino 18.5%, Black 13.4% and Asian 5%. Now, it is true that the majority of those positions in government are filled by white males percentage wise. It's also true they were all voted into office. You have to question if all Asians voted for the Asian candidates, and all Blacks voted for Black candidates, and all Hispanic-Latinos voted for Hispanic- Latino candidates, why the disparity? Could it be that the electorate is voting for who they feel is the best choice and not the "correct" race? Isn't that what we are supposed to do? Not according to Duckworth who now says positions should be filled by race, not qualification for the position. My question is, why has she not be censured already? An admission of prejudice surely warrants that action, at a minimum. 
 You know I was a Navy recruiter for several years. I was that guy that administered the entrance exams, filled out the paperwork, and got you signed up. I also had a quota to fill. Not just in the number of enlistees but in the race of those enlistees. That's correct, the government did have, I'm not certain if that is still in effect, a policy of filling spots based on race and gender. The qualifications were even different depending upon those factors. An example of that was the score required for entrance. Based upon your race the score was different. Yes it is true, white people required a min score of 32 and other groups required a 17. Discriminatory? It always seemed that way to me as I believe everyone should have an equal chance, thus an equal passing grade. But that isn't how that worked, quota's had to be filled to maintain the demographic balance. This is apparently the same policy Duckworth would use to fill the seats in government. Is that equality? 
 Look this isn't a political thing, Republicans vs Democrats, this is a matter of national concern. This concept that equality means everyone gets the same and that it can be forced. Note I didn't say enforced, rather forced. The idea that a predetermined amount of "diversity" based on self identified demographics is just ridiculous. According to Duckworth 5% of all government positions and by extensions all positions, should be filled by Asian peoples. Doesn't matter if they are qualified or not, 5% should be Asian people. If a company has 100 employees five of them should be Asians, 13.4% Black, 18.5% Hispanic-Latino and 60.1% non-Hispanic white. Well except 60.1% white is too many. That's a majority. And the only way minorities can be equal to the majority is by making the minority the majority. See how that works? And how do you do that? By excluding the majority! It's what we used to call discriminatory. Now we are going to call that equality. 
 Now to be fair don't we have to consider what percentage of the electorate votes in each demographic? Isn't that why the push to make it easier for everyone to vote? Isn't that the reason for the opposition to voter ID laws? We want to make sure that everyone can vote for the candidate of their choice. In that way 60.1% of the non-Hispanic white people will vote for the non- Hispanic white candidate and 18.5% will vote for the Hispanic-Latino candidates and so on. Equality has been achieved. Well because everyone always votes for the candidate that matches their race or ethnicity. That's the criteria to be applied according to Duckworth. And there is the problem. The majority is controlling the outcome of the election! Imagine that. It's a simple fact that about 78% of the current congress are white people. If only 60.1% of the overall population are white people how did that happen? Could be other races are voting for, wait for it, white people. Yes, that may be the case. They are voting for the candidate they feel best qualified , the ones they choose based on personal preferences. Independent voters unconstrained by having to vote for a candidate to fill an artificial quota!      

1 comment:

  1. You find fault with this Democrat for a racial statement, but you don't when Republicans say it or pass laws to keep Black people and poor people from voting, or getting WATER or food as they wait on line to vote? Doesn't that seem a little hypocritical to you (about what you just said?)
