Monday, November 12, 2018


  Nationalism definition is - loyalty and devotion to a nation; especially : a sense of national consciousness exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations or supranational groups.  That is what Merriam -Webster has to say.

 Nationalism is now under assault by the left. Nationalism is a bad thing. You know why? Nationalism is taking care of your own first and foremost. Rational people understand you can't support an open border policy and Nationalism! It really is as simple as that. And for that reason we must change the rationale. Nationalism must be related to Nazi's. Well, because the Nazi party did call themselves Nationalists, therefore all Nationalists are Nazi's. That's how it works. That is not stereotyping or prejudicial thinking, that's rational. Yeah, that's rational alright. In this case though, who are the Nationalists? Anyone that feels America's interests should be protected first. Notice how Merriam-Webster says a Nationalist places emphasis on promotion of its' culture and interests as opposed to others. A Nationalist wants to preserve America, the others want to destroy it! And what confuses me is how so many can fail to see that. It is that blindness that created the Nazi's in the first place. When you ingrain loyalty to " government " that is what you will inevitably wind up with. That's why children were turning their own parents in to the government of Germany, it wasn't Nationalism, it was blind obedience. The Nazi propaganda did its' job and led the sheep to slaughter! The liberal agenda will do the same thing to America, if we allow that to happen. 
 Funny how we don't hear much about that caravan anymore. An occasional mention here and there. Now the big story is what? Nationalism as a bad thing. You are a bad person if you love and support your country. Oh, you can be Patriotic, as long as you preface that patriotism with a handout. Thank you for your service, now allow the illegals into the country and pay for them too. Funny how those in that caravan are waving flags of their nations and no one is calling them nationalists. No, they are waving their flags in support of our country! Yeah, that makes sense. They are proud of their heritage and culture, we should fully support that! Don't support America's though, that's being a nationalist. Strange how many in that caravan carry signs disparaging our President, calling him names, advocation for his removal and those on the left are supporting that. To support your own President would just be Nationalist wouldn't it? Well, the President is a Nationalist, he has to go. I understand the disappointment, just when you thought a continuation of eight years of destroying America was eminent. It was all rigged up, in the bag. What happened? And now we have a nationalist President! Imagine that. A President that believes the interest of his country should come first. Outrageous isn't it? 
 Well label me a Nationalist. I fully support the interests of the United States of America to the exclusion of all other nations. I pledge allegiance to her flag. I will watch out for the interests of legal United States Citizens. If you are not in my country legally, you are here illegally. Illegals will be removed. There is no reward for breaking our laws, none. You are welcome to apply for a visa, a green card or whatever document is necessary to gain entry. You may submit your request and wait in line like everyone else. When you agree to become a citizen of the United States of America you must pledge allegiance to the same. 
 Allow me to explain my nationalism is the simplest way I know. I will care for my children before I will care for yours. I will care for my neighborhood before I care for yours. I will support my Country before I will help you support yours. I will extend charity to the best of my ability and to the extent of my limitations. As far as the office of President I will respect that office regardless of who is occupying the seat. The job of President is to protect the interests of the United States of America above all else. He is the Commander in Chief and holds that title for a reason. He commands the forces the guard the nations freedom! Yes, yes, there are checks and balances, the President can't declare war and all of that, I am well aware of the legalities. The President can, for a period of ninety days order military action to defend the interests of the nation. Hence he is the Commander in Chief. A Nationalist?  I certainly hope so. I don't anyone willing to surrender. 

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