Monday, November 5, 2018

a decision to be made

 Tomorrow we vote. I can't help but wonder if the caravan of migrants will continue towards our border or disperse throughout central America. I do think that will hinge upon who wins and loses. If the Republicans maintain control of the house, the caravan continues forward. If the Democrats win the caravan magically disperses. At least that is my estimation of what to expect. This caravan wasn't formed by accident, by word of mouth alone. No, this caravan took some logistical support. The who is the big question, the why is obvious. The globalists see the United States as the final frontier. If the United States can be overrun and borders breached that would spell the beginning of the end. The end of Freedom as Americans have enjoyed it for 242 years. Aristotle wrote: " Republics decline into Democracies and Democracies into Despotism. " How many times do you hear the politicians and others talk about our Democracy? That idea has been promoted for a long time now hasn't it? Did they teach you in school that our government was a Democracy? Yes, they did. Oh, we recited "and to the Republic for which it stands" without anyone explaining exactly what a Republic was. Does it make a difference? Yes, it certainly does. In the minds of many the Republic no longer exists, we have a democracy. A Democracy is nothing more than MOB rule, where the 51 defeat the 49. And so the Republic has declined into a Democracy, at least in the minds of the governed, can despotism be far behind? If a Nation has open borders how can control be maintained? When there is no lock on the door can you expect to remain in business?
 Tomorrow we vote in the mid-term elections. The mid-terms are extremely important because we are choosing our representatives. You hear a lot about voting to defeat Trump. This election is not about Trump, don't be distracted. This election is about who you want to represent your interests. Who you elect today will most likely never vote on what is important today. The business of government is a slow, churning process that takes many years. You have to think far ahead and not be caught up in the politics of today. Every election cycle is important. My suggestion is to vote for a Republic and dismiss this idea of Democracy. What's the difference you say? Simply put the difference lies in the law. In a Republic the people place limits on Government. In this way the people protect their rights, as in the right to bear arms! In a Democracy the mob gets to make the law. The distinction can be difficult to understand but is worth studying. Before you vote tomorrow I suggest you read up on it just a bit. Your vote is vital to the future of our country.
 An interesting bit of history is that the Democratic party was the party of the working man. That was their platform. They were Federalists. Federalists could better be described as Nationalists! That's right, Nationalists. Isn't that the very thing the Democrats are decrying today? Aren't the Democrats proclaiming Nationalism as a bad thing? So, the question is, just what do the Democrats support then? A strong central government with absolute power? A government controlled by whom? Not by the people, by the mob. Yeah that's all good, until the mob shows up at your door, and it will sooner or later. It's heading for the border as I write this opinion.     

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