Thursday, November 8, 2018

everybody does it

 I read a small article that pointed out that the candidate named Beto, who I'm not really familiar with, dropped the " F " bomb on live television. As I understand it he was saying how " f-ing " proud he was of his supporters. I left my comment on social media, as I am prone to do, saying I felt this was just another display of a lack of civility. Not surprisingly I was attacked for that opinion. The big defense for him doing so was, you guessed it, President Trump. Well because Trump says bad words too. I don't disagree that Trump does indeed use crass and vulgar language, I disagree with that as an excuse for anyone else to do it. Isn't that what you said as a child? Everyone one else was doing it!
  I went on to explain that if we are to create a civil atmosphere we really should foster civil discussion. I believe that starts with keeping a civil tongue in your head! I know, I know, many say it is no big deal, he was just thanking his supporters. For me however I expect my candidates to at least display a modicum of respect for others. Using that word demonstrates a lack of respect. We are talking about a public forum here. It is a situation I have frequently written about, the concept of polite company. You should temper your speech in polite company. Something that used to be taught but apparently isn't being stressed anymore. Now apparently using such language is supposed to emphasize how passionately you feel about a subject. If that is the only way you can express that I feel sorry for you. By doing so you appear unintelligent and unprofessional. The acceptance of it, in general conversation as a matter of public discourse, I find troubling. There is a time and place for everything.
 Now I understand he isn't the first to say that. I understand that it is used all the time and on television when it slips by the censors. I understand that many people think, it's no big deal. It is that complacency that I find troubling. It is a sign of moral decay. Why use this words? It is because of the shock value? I'd say that is a part of it. It is aggressive speech, no doubt about that. Is that another reason for using it? Yes, it is an attempt to bully the listener. I'm swearing, therefore I'm committed to this action! It isn't right but I do get being angry or upset and those words coming out. But in this case, this Beto candidate used that word as an adjective to describe how thankful he was for the support he received. That tells me he is very comfortable with using such language, in everyday conversations, with anyone, in any situation. It is that acceptance that I find troubling. To use a more modern term, where is the filter? All this talk about " hate speech " and " racial slurs " and how terrible all that is. We even have laws governing that. But this language is perfectly fine? This language is acceptable? Am I alone in seeing the hypocrisy in that?
 Well that's my little rant this morning. I'm just old fashioned I guess. I find that language unsuitable in a public setting, I find that language unattractive and off-putting when coming from a lady. ( Beto is a guy )  Guess that is the sexist in me, but it's the way I feel about it. I do believe if you want a kinder, gentler society you do have to act in that fashion. Slinging expletives and vulgarities around isn't doing that. The atmosphere being created is one of aggression. No wonder so many people are aggressive these days. Act like a barbarian and expect to be treated like one. 

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