Sunday, November 18, 2018


 Beginning tomorrow I will be taking a short hiatus. I will be absent from social media and no blogging either. It is easy to get caught up in things and so my intention is to do a little reset. As much as I enjoy interacting with those I know and ones that I don't solitude can be beneficial to the soul. Some time spent in reflection can often clear your thoughts. As I have said in the past if you want to see your truth, look in the mirror. It is advice I sometimes fail to heed. If you have lived a life and haven't experienced regret, you haven't really lived. A life of appeasement is no life at all. As the kids say today, it's complicated.
 I can't recall a time when I missed more than one day of posting something since I began this blogging adventure. It has been a journey of eight years so far. As Forest Gump might say, " I'm a little tired, think I'll go home now. " I am tired. My topics have run the gamut. I wonder what will become of all those words? I'm told things posted to the internet live forever. If that is the case my words will be there for generations, lying in some corner of a server, waiting to be discovered. Occasionally I see where some stranger has stumbled on a blog of mine. I wonder how that happens. Is it during a search of a particular topic? I can see where that might happen as I can google a single word and get pages of results. To post nothing will be a bit of a struggle. It has become a habit. I'm not certain that is a good thing, for the writing I mean. I can see where a lot of my blogs are more commentary than anything else. My intent was to share my random thoughts in the hope of making sense of them. There are times I find myself defending them. If you find yourself in defense, that should give you pause. I think that is good advice. Truth stands alone, whereas fiction requires supporting characters and witnesses.
 I do take solace in a couple quotes. Quotes are nothing more than someone else's random thought. Henry Adams said, " No man means all he says and yet very few say all they mean, for words are slippery and thought is viscous." I spend a great deal of time and energy attempting to say all I mean. I find the meanings of words are especially shapeshifting and it is that, that causes so much confusion. As far as what will happen to all my writings, thoughts, memories or whatever you call this effort of mine I find comfort in words that William Shakespeare penned. " No legacy is so rich as honesty. "   

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