Thursday, July 26, 2012

Thoughts on War

I was thinking that if the minimum age for being in the military was like,forty, we would have a lot less wars.
And not because we would be too old to wage war, but because we would have better sense! War is a young mans' occupation usually lead by a bunch of old fools.
This came to mind as I was preparing to return a war relic to its' homeland. It brought to mind the insanity of war. I know, I've been in a few. Fortunate to never have endured ground based combat or a world war. But I have seen the consequences of conflict. The damage not only to the physical but to the mental well being of the world.
What we fail to realize is that for the most part the combatants are just young men. Some still in their teens. Young men are known to do strange things. Whether in an attempt to fit in or an attempt to retain their sanity. Deeds or misdeeds. Choices made, some not so wise.
History will judge the wisdom of wars. We tend to glorify them, if we are the victors. But as Americans we have never known anything else. I wonder what those defeated would have to say about it ? How do you lose a war with dignity ? How do you justify that choice ? These questions and more entered my thoughts.
In my own youth I was willing to engage in this activity. I wasn't anxious to participate, but I was willing. I felt a sense of duty, the obligation to do my part. And I did in a limited fashion. My contribution to the effort wasn't nearly as extensive as some. The price I paid was small.
Today,as I sit at this keyboard I would not be as anxious. Considerably more thought and consideration would go into that decision. It would not be a forgone conclusion. Still, if the situation warranted, I would go and stand beside my countrymen. The obligation remains and can never be completely satisfied. 

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