Monday, July 30, 2012

A bad cycle

Spending a few hours on the midway at the Delaware State fair was an interesting time. Beyond watching the kids having fun and listening to the barkers, one guy was exceptional, looking at fashions and avoiding bumping into others just not paying attention, one thing became quite noticeable to me. The prevalence of tattoos. Not small tattoos but the rather large ones. Body art they call it. I saw it on  men and women. Young and old. I'm not against it but question the wisdom of having such a large area covered. Especially those that climb the neck or cover the hands. Not easily concealed. I suppose it is just my age showing again. In years to come this form of personal expression will barely be noticed. Like the hippies of the 60's the long hair and peace signs became blase. Sometimes even a source of amusement.
I hear that these tattoos are not nearly as permanent as they once were. New technology can remove them. So they are not reversible. The cost is considerable. The initial cost is also considerable. Well there are those that always seem to find the money for such things. Same as beer and cigarettes. People want them, people find a means to buy them. Another thing that struck me about this art was how young some of the people sporting it seemed to be. I don't know if there is an age requirement or not. I expect with parents permission one could get one. Again, maybe it is just my own age, but some of them looked awful young for so permanent a decision.
Not one to get out out in the crowd much this came as a bit of a surprise. The fashions that the younger people wear don't surprise me much. The fact that their fathers would allow those young girls to go out in public with some of those outfits is beyond my comprehension, but that is another matter altogether.  Modesty is definitely not in style. And I will add this comment, many exhibit a healthy self confidence given their choice of clothing and body type. More power to them !  Attitude is everything and I'm pleased to see they have a good one.
Everything goes in cycles. I'm hoping the cycle will swing back to the modest and demure. I have a nine year old grand daughter and the fashions are not appropriate to my idea of what young ladies should be wearing. Just where is Doris Day when you need her ? No tattoos or bustiers there ! Heels perhaps,but not too high, and skirts at least knee length. Imagination is much more appealing than reality. All in all this young crowd looks a little on the trashy side if you ask my opinion. Body art will age along with the canvas. It will crack and fade. Just sayin'.

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