Saturday, July 21, 2012

Making Connections

My grandson Mark goes off to Washington,D.C. today for his leadership conference. He is understandably a bit nervous. He will be there for a week,on his own basically, in a strange land. He doesn't know anyone else that is attending. Going into the situation blind as it where. That is a big step for a eleven year old. It brings to mind when I joined the Navy. At least I had a friend with me. We spent some time together before being separated. Mark will not have the benefit of that at all. His only comfort is that he will have a cell phone with him. A sort of lifeline. But having a phone and the ability to call can be a two edged sword. Speaking with loved ones while in this situation can increase the loneliness and anxiety as quickly as it can relieve it. I can recall that first conversation with my own folks after being in basic training for a few weeks. It was a relief and a burden. Each person reacting differently. Some even cried.
Now Mark is an amicable young man and intelligent. The other attendees are likely in the same category, as you must be invited to this conference. The invitation is decided by the teachers based upon the students academic achievements and leadership potential. Mark was one of two selected from Greensboro elementary. To the best of our knowledge the other student has declined to attend. So it up to Mark to represent. He will make us all proud of that I am certain.
From my experiences in the service I can speak about certain things. One of the first questions you will be asked when meeting people is where are you from ? If your geographic location is even remotely close to theirs a bond is formed. State,county or town makes no difference. It has been my experience each and every time. Birds of a feather. As time goes on this becomes less important. Eventually bonds and friendships are formed based more on personalities and moral values. The other attendees will be coming from all over the country. Most will probably be alone. That is the first common bond this group will share. And much like basic training they will have a busy schedule. It is part of the plan. Keep them occupied. Afford little time for getting lonely and afraid. Mark will do fine as he does make interesting conversation and can talk about a broad variety of subjects.
I'm grateful that he can attend. I'm proud that he was selected. I know this will be a major growth experience for him. Although he is not aware of that. Funny how,we,as participants in our own lives are often so unaware of the milestone moments. Naturally I want nothing but the best for him and for him to grow and mature. I'm not so sure I want it to happen this quickly.

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